@Faithful Witness : Don't worry, we know that the crazies were in the organization for sure. I knew tons of them. I probably was one in my own way. Heck, I dealt with a lot of depression and even suicidal thoughts at the hands of the Borg. I still need to write my story up and post it here now that I'm officially out with nothing to hide. Anyway yes, it is like the old saying, birds of a feather flock together. We drew a lot of crazies to us because we were crazy too.
@Dunedain : Thanks for sharing your experiences too. And good for your parents for still talking to you. My wife and I just lost our families, in part because I stood up after years of shunning my DF'ed brother and decided that I could no longer do so. I too was a conservative kid that got stuck studying with wild kids at times. It wasn't much fun because they couldn't have cared less. I was essentially a babysitter so the parents could study together, kind of like it sounds like you ended up being at times. Great stories.