All of your threads have to do with shunning. It's obviously a terrible practice, but what's your story with it?
this is just a first step clapping.
it's like the fed one quarter bases point at a time.
All of your threads have to do with shunning. It's obviously a terrible practice, but what's your story with it?
this is just a first step clapping.
it's like the fed one quarter bases point at a time.
i had to clear space in my shelves for new books that keep arriving.
so... out with the "old light"!
we got rid of all spares and duplicates and only kept one of each for the sake of memorabilia.
i had to clear space in my shelves for new books that keep arriving.
so... out with the "old light"!
we got rid of all spares and duplicates and only kept one of each for the sake of memorabilia.
sorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
today has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
sorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
I'm with Punk ^^^^^.
It is indeed loaded language, used from early on to manipulate people. It instantly puts all other positions in life at a disadvantage, calls them all into question, while deflecting any inclination to question "The Truth". I know it had a powerful affect on me as a rather word literal kid.
I guess it did have an reverse affect later. I realized that it wasn't some beacon of absolute truth and then every outright lie that I came across stung even more. At a point that loaded language can backfire if one is honest and open minded with themselves.
did they name the road at warwick?
kings dr??.
im so sure......them gb members got some big heads!!
saw similar title in a google search so thought i'd read more and now simply have to share my experience if anything to hear that i'm not insane and it is that simple.. met and fell madly in love with a witness, and her with me.
what began as love at first sight turned into a 6 year relatiomship which simply ended very bluntly.
there were many painful twists and turns along the way, first from her inability to leave her husband, then my mistake in finding someone else as i simply couldn't take the pain of her coming and going with such simplicity, but in the end she got a divorce and suffered many consequences within 'the truth', and i sorted my issues which were many and admittedly dug with my own hands and stupidity in trying to protect a young girl who had done no wrong in this long affair.. eventually we found ourself on what i believed to be the home straight.