JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Try Being Kind...It Actually Feels Good!
by EyesOpenHeartBroken inlet me start by saying that this forum has been helpful to me in many ways.
i haven't gotten involved in much commenting and i am not very assertive by nature so i've steered away from participating in debates.
but i have read threads often and had a sense of community.
JWs breed narcissism, a hallmark of which is being unable to accept that others don't think and feel exactly like you do. Every discussion is about winning, and winning is about everyone seeing things as you do. Leaving the Witnesses behind doesn't equate to leaving the narcissism behind. Perspective taking is a beautiful thing. I've had to work hard to leave my own narcissm behind, and I see it on here frequently. Being kind certainly is the better course. Nice post! -
Now finally Caleb & Sofia Anti-Gay Video going viral in Germany too
by Daniel1555 intoday spiegel online & bento have an article about the anti-gay video.. spiegel is one of the biggest and most serious news media in germany.. they also report and show that youtubers cut the video and changed it in a funny way.
sofia tells her mother that the teacher said it's fine if they live each other.
then sofia's mother says: "thats wonderful.".
Who cares if some people overreact (in your eyes of that of others)? Why does it matter? So long as it throws egg on the face of the Borg I would think any good apostate would rejoice in that.
Yes, fundies hate gays. It isn't unexpected. Putting messages out like this, to kids, while ignoring many other issues shows their preoccupation with this subject. I'm not sure because I don't follow their videos much, but have they produced one exposing the threat of pedophiles yet to protect kids? Just wondering.
I've see the arguments where some can't fathom the outrage over this video. Others like me can't fathom why anyone would want to throw their wet blanket over the egg on the face of the dubs, however warranted it is. It feels a lot like the control and right-fighting engaged in their religion. Not everyone will feel the same, but I would think we have a common goal of seeing the Borg exposed in most ways possible. Why the focus on trying to downplay this to others that are all over it? We stopped having to think and feel the same once we left them behind.
Now finally Caleb & Sofia Anti-Gay Video going viral in Germany too
by Daniel1555 intoday spiegel online & bento have an article about the anti-gay video.. spiegel is one of the biggest and most serious news media in germany.. they also report and show that youtubers cut the video and changed it in a funny way.
sofia tells her mother that the teacher said it's fine if they live each other.
then sofia's mother says: "thats wonderful.".
Doubtfully Yours - My final words to all non and ex-JWs regarding this and any other doctrines is....
Move forward with your life and let others live theirs. Much happiness and peace comes from minding one's businessonly.
DY🌺Again I'll point out that you've been on here for 13 years and you tell other people what to think all of the time within your 3200+ posts. You're still trying to defend the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses. Maybe you should move on and leave people alone and follow your own advice instead of trolling the forums.
I'm getting baptized
by BlackWolf ini know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
You've already pointed out that there are certain things you have doubts about, and that's good. However, he's going to come full bore with JW reasoning on a bunch of things. In the end, baptism is about head knowledge but also the heart. All he is attempting to address is the head knowledge part. Typical of JW's because nobody can make you feel anything. I think that you are so freaking brave and we're all cheering for you. Do what you can with the advice from others. In the end, you aren't ready in your heart and it isn't a matter of gathering facts and answering questions. You just aren't old enough to make the commitment. You aren't ready maturity wise, as far as they need to know. Some people meet the person they would be great with in a marriage when they're young but they just aren't ready for the commitment. I hope that intellectually you can beat this back, but JW's have answers for everything even if the answer is to "wait on Jehovah" or some similar crap. Keep us posted. We've got your back.
Did your parents become JW's later in life? If so, they had a chance to learn and grow as a person before finding "the Truth", they should understand on some level that being your own person helps you to make mature decisions. Your brain isn't even fully formed until you're in your late twenties. Jesus was baptized at 30. You have to be allowed to do things on your own time. After all, if your parents had been visited with "the Truth" earlier on in life they may not have been ready for it, but you don't just get one chance in life. This isn't your one chance to get baptized. You have many years ahead of you. Maybe you can reason with your parents on this note somewhat. If they were visited by JW's earlier in life and weren't ready, then no amount of pushing would make them ready. In fact, it would have pushed them away and made them less likely to listen when they were ready. All you are doing is asking for the same consideration. Forcing you into something because intellectually you know it is "the Truth" (as far as they're concerned) doesn't make you emotionally ready. A young man or woman can have sex much earlier in life than they're ready. Merely having some part of an equation doesn't make you ready.
Hi everyone!
by cognac inwas just listening to a song that made me think of the jws so thought i'd say hi and see how everyone is.
i'm doing ok. kids are fine.
i'm good, making tons of friends, very successful in my career, bla bla bla.
Glad to hear things are going well and that you're adjusting.
We've been focusing on building new relationships and strengthening old ones this year and it has been great. We have more people wanting to do things with us than we have time, and that's such a change from the old JW days. We went camping with some people and that was a first for us, going out camping with "worldly people", even though we've done other things with them before. They were on weed and wine, and one guy brought mushrooms, things that would have made us uncomfortable in the past, but we had fun and they did their thing while we were sober. We played games and laughed until they cried, and it was a good time. It is so nice to have that "live and let live" mentality where everyone can be themselves and do what they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
My wife is having a first birthday party. I know you and her have texted back and forth before in the past so you know who she is. She is really excited and we're going to rent a place for it this Sunday. It should be a good time and it's so nice to have people to invite that actually want to be there and support her.
Life outside the Borg is so great. We love our new life. I wish the same for everyone that escapes their hold.
Our thoughts on the latest JW Broadcast for the month of May
by Christian Gutierrez inhowdy guys!
this is our latest video on the jw broadcast in short form.
we talk about jw marriage challenges.
Doubtfully Yours: They are both young, dumb and full of (edited so this post shows).
Have going for them the wonderful notion that they escaped while their whole life is still ahead of them. SO..... Live!!!
Stop looking in the rear view mirror the WTBTS already.
DYSays the person that has been on here for 13 years with over 3200 posts that is STILL sticking up for Jehovah's Witnesses. Damn, that's straight up pathetic. You might want to check yourself before trying to tell others what to do.
I'm getting baptized
by BlackWolf ini know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
Damn, you're discouraged from telling anyone before making it through the questions first and your mom is already spreading the word. Granny hasn't come yet and will be out nothing if you change your mind now. Your mom is just using that as leverage.
In the end, do what you have to in order to make it through. Your parents will shun you eventually regardless. Like my parents and those of many other JWs, they only love you as a JW. The religion is the basis, the beginning and end. It is always in the middle.
In the end you don't have to get dunked. Nobody can physically force you. It's all a matter of which consequences you want to face. Again, you've been put in an unfair place like so many other young ones.
Our thoughts on the latest JW Broadcast for the month of May
by Christian Gutierrez inhowdy guys!
this is our latest video on the jw broadcast in short form.
we talk about jw marriage challenges.
Is Doubtfully Yours the same person as Sledracer? -
This is how to motivate inactive ones!
by stuckinarut2 ininteresting take on how to motivate inactive ones.... https://www.lds.org/youth/video/reaching-out-through-love?lang=eng.
it is interesting to compare and contrast witnesses and mormans....!.
So many similarities, yet such a different message. Here's a clue JWs, to summarize the video and help you be a better cult...... don't be a dick. Genuine interest in people helps. Well that, or maybe a brochure blaming the people that leave for being deficient in some way. I've had so many people say "how is shunning supposed to make you want to come back". It doesn't really. It might be a deterrent for some so they don't leave in the first place, but it's not loving or welcoming in any way. Then again, their dickery does serve as a protection because it pushes so many away and keeps them free from the toxic poison that is Jehovah's Witnesses. -
All Gays Are Perverts
by Coded Logic in"scientists may never resolve exactly how much of a role nature and nurturing play in same-sex attraction.
but one thing is clear: all humans are born with the tendency to succumb to wrong thinking and inclinations.
--romans 3:23. a youth who desires to please god must therefore conform to his moral standards and shun immoral behavior, though doing so may be agonizingly difficult.
My wife and I clean houses and have worked for gay couples over the years and enjoyed knowing them like anyone else, even as JWs. However, I knew Witnesses that would turn away jobs with gay couples. I always found that horrifying, but their reactions were ones of fear and it was so strange to me.
My last conversation with my dad before disassociating and subsequent shunning was him yelling at me for "loving the gays". It was a ridiculous, Bible thumping, bigoted and unreasonable diatribe directed at me because apparently years before I had mentioned things like genetics and how few of us choose our sexuality and therefore I " always took their side". He had harbored that for years.
JWs can be really over the top in their reactions. I'm glad to be away from them.