Some here have spent a lifetime in the cult and are still active in it. Their lives revolve around it still. Since they haven't taken a stand against it, it only stands to reason that on some level they may be for it in some circumstances. You can't keep drinking the Kool-Aid and not have it impact you. Indoctrination session after session will impact one's thoughts and feelings.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
Why are some that post here JW apologists?
by ctrwtf inmy rant tonight is against the quasi religious apologists that post on this board.
those who at once rail against the jw's then later talk about how "orderly" and "neat" the witnesses are at their conventions.
those who site the benefits of bloodless surgery to some who have the luxury and time to actually make an educated choice, while ignoring the tens of thousands who've died because they happen to be in an accident or succumb to a disease for which there is no other treatment.. i understand the power of cognitive dissonance.
Is shunning unscriptual?
by MrTheocratic ininternational version 1 cor 5:11. but now i am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler.
do not even eat with such people.. if shunning is wrong.
.how does one explain this scripture?.
I'm none of those things in the scripture, yet I'm shunned. A person that fornicates once, gets DF'ed, then goes on to live a very moral life is still shunned forever unless he comes back to the cult. What constitutes a "brother or sister"? Only a person in the same faith? If so once a person leaves that verse gas no further hold. Why are greedy people still non-shunned JWs? Or drunkards, and we all knew brothers and sisters that drank too much at least once, which is apparently all it takes where sex is concerned, right?
That verse is so full of holes. That's the problem with taking verses and creating rules. What about Jesus saying to forgive 77 times? Pick and choose to support whatever you want. It's so easy with the Bible. It's not consistent whatsoever.
Got a pic or screenshot of that paragraph? I'd love to see it. Ah, the flipping and flopping of what is "truth".
Old Letter to the Governing Body
by WITNESS-FOR-WATCHTOWER-REFORM inthis is an older letter i wrote to the gb in october last year in regards to their policy around shunning of dissociated ones.
the letter doesn't focus on the disfellowshiped, but am in the process right now of writing to them regarding their recent watchtower on shunning disfellowshipped relatives.. the letter i wrote back in october rambles on a bit, but wanted to express my frustration to the governing body about their very unfair policy toward those who simply choose to leave.. regards.
the governing body.
Hey, if I give you their addresses can you write my family and my wife's? They shunned us even before we disassociated.
JW Broadcasting is the likely end of the road for JWs
by oldskool ini started leaving the group in 04', and quit following what they do around 08'.
my recent posts express my reaction to what has happened since.. i just "tuned in" to the jw broadcasting episode for may 2016. it is worth a viewing.
gb member anthony morris describes what is basically the thrust of why this entire effort exists.
They've targeted kids for generations. The youth book, young people ask, videos, etc., and it's just more of the same but done better. Young people have lacked good experiences for generations too. The Borg aren't going anywhere. There will always be people susceptible to their indoctrination.
Running ahead of Jehovah can be done with a slow walk.
by donny ina few days ago i read a post of someone who has recently awakened to what the watchtower bible and tract society really is.
in their comments, they stated that they had been accused of "running ahead of jehovah.".
"running ahead of jehovah" was a statement levied at me many times during my convoluted journey through that organization.
Perhaps the organization is just lagging behind instead of others running ahead.
I was helping a Mature Sister with her tablet for downloading the meeting and then noticed ...
by Quarterback inthis sweet older sister needed help and while trying to download the clm on her tablet, the history showed some porn pictures.
how does someone overlook that and carry on?.
Why is it any of your business? You had one job. As long as you didn't find something like child pornography why would you even bring it up?
The world is about to come to its end and what does the Watchtower do?
by Crazyguy inthey buy a hotel!
yep in 1975 when the world was about to come to its end the borg buys the brooklyn hotel for 2 million dollars.
this information has come out now do to the fact they have put up this property for sale.
Weren't others encouraged to sell homes and simplify back then? I wasn't alive then, but have seen evidence of extreme pressure on the rank and file to leave their material things. So hypocritical.
I'm getting disfellowshipped
by raven inhi everyone, a bit of an update here on my continuing disaster of a situation.. (refer to my previous posts for the full story) my mom met with me yesterday for dinner, it was nice.. however, she brought up the fact that because i live with my boyfriend and how everything has gone down, i will be disfellowshipped.. i think the elders basically have enough proof of this.. due to the anonymous tipper (still have no clue who it was, i live in another town 100's of miles away from my old congregation territory), and my mom telling them.
i'm not sure when they will announce it, or if they will contact me prior.. at this point i feel so emotionally dead i don't care- on the other hand, i don't want to be disfellowshipped because i do not want to loose a relationship with my mom.
that is the whole reason i tried fading out.. .
I'm sorry that you're in this place right now. It is an unfair place to be put in. There are indeed mothers that speak to DFed kids, but we all know that's a small percentage.
I know things look bleak, but you have other people in your life. Remember that scripture about losing mothers and fathers etc. but gaining them tenfold or some such number? It is true. My wife and I both lost everyone. But we gained so many new friends and people sticking closer than a brother. We have a rich life and it won't be a year until September since we DA'd. You can have that too. You can't control your mom's reaction to this. She turned you in on whatever level, and thinks she's doing you a favor. How messed up is that?
Pain is temporary. Don't do anything rash that lasts forever. Keep your chin up, keep coming here for support. Maybe get a therapist. And realize that the whole world is open to you now. You will be free, and people aren't scary, and you can have more relationships now than ever before. Family is what you make it. Welcome to the worldwide family. Tell your story, be vulnerable, and you can find friends among healthy people.
I think they may still use the word disfellowshipped in some countries. I thought that one of the reasons they stopped in others was something to do with slander or privacy laws or something. I could be way wrong though. Maybe in that country they don't have issues with that.