Believer, you will find less aggression toward you when you realize that not everyone deserves your time or reply. There are certain people that I avoid here just like in the real world. They aren't going to see things my way, nor I theirs. Evidence is often open to interpretation and if we see something different that's got to be okay, but there's no use in continuing a conversation with that person.
I'm no longer really a "believer" as I take you to mean it, but even when I was I still came here because life and exiting a cult is bigger than a single belief structure. There's so much to talk about and to learn. I also like to help where I can when others are hurting while leaving the dubs.
Time and attention are precious commodities. You can't control who responds to you or how, but you can decide who to take seriously and who to ignore. In marketing speak there are people that are your "target audience" and those that aren't. It's tough because their is backlash from those that aren't your target, but your discussions can still prove profitable.