Haha Believer, you found out why "believers" on here don't post much. It's like when you're a dub and someone at work finds out that you are and then you're descended upon by 10 people each questioning you and wanting an answer as they pick apart your faith like piranhas on prey, from every direction at once. Same thing here, only you end up trying to defend your belief in God to people that don't believe.
I went through a period where I still believed in the God of the Bible myself, but I'd never talk about it here. I had hoped to find people with similar thoughts and feelings and realized quickly that you can't just post and have a discussion with your fellow believers because those that don't believe take it upon themselves to dominate the discussion and challenge your every word. It's just no fun. Like you surmised, you're outnumbered here.
I no longer really believe myself, but because I chose to take it upon myself to challenge long held notions, not because a bunch of people tried to reverse JW me by proselytizing as hard for atheism as we formerly did for theism. I believe there may be a God, but if so he's surely done a piss-poor job of making himself clear as to what he wants and values, so I'm not worried anymore as to whether it's the one in the Bible or some other "holy" book or something altogether different or something that simply doesn't exist and is man-made. I don't have to know everything or claim to know. My ego doesn't need to be right so much anymore. I had enough of that as a dub. I believe in possibility and science that shows what we know so far, but nothing gets my absolute faith anymore. Everything is subject to change and none of it deserves my devotion. I just want to live a happy life, do no harm, and look back someday when I'm dying and appreciate my life rather than worry about whatever is to come.
Best wishes on your journey.