One day we were at a meeting and I told my wife to look around us. I asked her, out of all of the people on this earth, do you think THESE are the ones that have it right? The people that we knew in the organization from our birth congregations to where we ended up later in life were NOT known for making wise life decisions. I looked at the disaster of a family that introduced my family to "The Truth", I looked at all of Jehovah's "happy" depressed people around me at the meeting, the people that believed that garlic enemas kept you healthy and that something made from a 9V batter and some wire at Radio Shack cured cancer. I watched people that somehow always had every rare side effect to every medication that they ever took, and people that made poor financial decision after poor financial decision.
I also watched my own life thrive the farther I got from "The Truth". I watched my crippling social anxiety and suicidal depression nearly vanish. I watched my bank account grow. I watched my wife's face as she started to smile and seem more alive than ever. I watched as people that I thought loved me all turned their back just as my life was starting to get good, and I watched people that I was told to be scared of embrace me and celebrate my new happy life.
Jehovah's Witnesses are crazy. The second definition of crazy is "extremely enthusiastic". Jehovah's Witnesses are crazy about Jehovah's Witnesses. They have lost touch with reality. They believe in another world altogether and have buried the authentic person within under the "new personality". As a result, they suffer from mental and physical illnesses. It is sad. However, if a person is actively in the organization, just look around you and ask yourself, are these people known for good decision making and accurate observations? It just may save your life.