I'm glad you asked this Simon. I don't get it either. I understand women wanting to be respected and being mad that a pussy grabbing Cheeto looking wispy haired bully won the presidency over a woman that they thought had it in the bag. I understand that they don't like the tone of the campaign. But as some have stated, this protest was to make their voices heard. Who heard them? What did they say? I don't get what was accomplished other than women venting and being communal with one another. It felt good to them, and I see ladies that I'm friends with posting on Facebook about it and they're so proud to have gone and want to tell their grandkids about it one day, but if it is noise that signifies nothing specifically, what's the point?
It reminds me of the Operation Wall Street or whatever where people rallied around many different ideologies with no real common goal other than hating a segment of society. There were no clear goals, they just wanted to be heard. That's what I see here. If you're going to do all of this, and I applaud doing it, have some specific demands. It seemed like just a big party for the ladies to get together and that's cool too, but people are acting like something was accomplished and I guess I missed what that was to anyone other than those women who attended or feel closer to other women as a group for rooting them on.
It feels like it was just emotional outpouring of hurt, and I get that, but what is supposed to change from this? It won't make misogynists any less misogynist-y. It was like a pep rally for a team, which is great for that team, but nobody outside that rally cares as they have their own team, but maybe even more ambiguous than that. At least a pep rally for a team is specific in it's goal to beat the next opponent. There was no line drawn here that I saw.
I hate seeing the way some women are treated and that women have to be subjected to some of the things that they are. I don't see how this march changes any of that. Those that disrespect women aren't going to suddenly stop because some marched with disparate signs. I want little girls to grow up in a world that gets better and better for them. How does this march put that in motion?