Thanks David. Whether one likes the delivery or not, my point was that institutions that have been looked at as the pinnacle of morality have been lax in addressing this, as have the books that said religions are based upon, and we have all seen or experienced some of the results. Hopefully it is obvious what side I'm on here.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
A quick Biblical question....
by dubstepped inmy wife and i were talking about how religions claim to be directed by god, yet god never seemed to let any of them know about the danger of sexual predatora to children.
the it hit me, does the bible say anything on the subject?
is there a thou shalt not diddle kids scripture?
A quick Biblical question....
by dubstepped inmy wife and i were talking about how religions claim to be directed by god, yet god never seemed to let any of them know about the danger of sexual predatora to children.
the it hit me, does the bible say anything on the subject?
is there a thou shalt not diddle kids scripture?
I did not judge you, merely stated a fact, and didn't realize that I was also bullying you. Again, my apologies that you were triggered, but I'm really not going to keep going back and forth with a person that is reading into my words. Good day, I hope you feel better.
A quick Biblical question....
by dubstepped inmy wife and i were talking about how religions claim to be directed by god, yet god never seemed to let any of them know about the danger of sexual predatora to children.
the it hit me, does the bible say anything on the subject?
is there a thou shalt not diddle kids scripture?
@SailAway - Clearly my intent was not to damage anyone that has been abused. I can't edit it now, and would if it bothers you. The intent of my post was to point out something that was sorely lacking and damaging to so many children, or you could just look at one phrase where I tried to not be so heavy and missed the mark as far as you were concerned. For the record, I know more than your assumption on the subject, and have heard the term used by some affected. If you really want to know what I was thinking, there you have it, or you can just judge me because I wrote one phrase you didn't like. I'm sorry that you or someone close to you was impacted by such a real life scenario or my phrasing, but if you do care to understand others here's your chance. Some have difficulty with different words and phrases for different reasons.
A quick Biblical question....
by dubstepped inmy wife and i were talking about how religions claim to be directed by god, yet god never seemed to let any of them know about the danger of sexual predatora to children.
the it hit me, does the bible say anything on the subject?
is there a thou shalt not diddle kids scripture?
My wife and I were talking about how religions claim to be directed by God, yet God never seemed to let any of them know about the danger of sexual predatora to children. The it hit me, does the Bible say anything on the subject? Is there a thou shalt not diddle kids scripture? I remember scriptures addressing lots of things, including bestiality, but can't remember anything protecting kids. I'm not saying that it isn't in there, but can't remember anything about it.
Any updates on the org's $4000 per day fine?
by The Searcher in
it's heading towards $900,000 now..
You know, I'm not a huge Richard Oliver fan myself, but if he's just bringing facts, we shouldn't hate on him. That's like JWs hating on us for bringing facts. Inconvenient or unpleasant facts are still facts. At least this time he's seemingly just brought out things from the courts without as much personal input. Otherwise we just look like a cult of purely anti-JW people without sense of reason. Yeah, Watchtower not being able to control CCJW is total bullshit reasonably, but it may just be that those slimy, disgusting people found a legal loophole. It's not Richard Oliver's fault, and I say this despite not liking the guy much. Courts deal in legalities more than emotion. Watchtower and CCJW are sickening, but they *may* have a legal out in this case.
Why do trolls do what they do?
by Londo111 ini truly don't understand the mindset of a troll.
i know it's been explained, but i still don't get it.
it is hard to distinguish between a troll and a jw apologist at times because the reactions are very similar.
You take tiny genitals, add tiny amounts of parental love, and multiply by a massive ego that feeds off of even the smallest amount of validation, and a troll is created. Being a troll is easy. You don't have to have any facts on your side, can disappear and then come back and cherry pick the few opportunities where your deluded self thinks you might be able to defend your baseless assertions, and then get to disappear like the coward you are into the basement in your parents' house with your pets that love you because you feed them and they can't leave you like everyone else. -
This site should be called Anti-Jehovahs-Witnesses Cry-babies
by the-Question inso, you left because of a bad example(s).. why all the whining?
nothing better to do with your time?.
you at least know far more about the bible than any church-goer?.
Who's whining like a baby now after getting owned in thread after thread, lol. You don't have to stay if you don't like it. You clearly can't hang.
Maybe you're still here to try and prove to yourself that your beliefs in fables hold water. How's that working out for you? ;)
Baumgartner - Dr. Mark Morehart: State of Washington Appeal Court - aborted use of cell saver machine
by darkspilver infor information:.
court of appeals of the state of washingtondivision iidocket number: 48070-1file date: 01/24/2017.
keisha baumgartner appeals the summary judgment dismissal of her medical malpractice wrongful death claim against anesthesiologist dr. mark morehart and columbia anesthesia group, p.s.
You can't have crazy, inconsistent dogma and then cry when outsiders can't keep up. My condolences to the family, but you did it to yourself. Take a poll of JWs and most would think the same, that it must be a continuous, closed loop, that is, if most of them have a clue and didn't fill out a dpa in ignorance.
A religion or OCPD?
by Xanthippe ini came across this paragraph about the causes of ocpd and it occurred to me that jws as a religion do reward ocpd traits.
they insist you adhere to rules and behaviours to the impairment of social and family activities.
perfectionism, strict moral code, lack of generosity.. so does this religion cause this personality disorder or does it recruit people who suffer from it?.
There is definitely truth in this assertion. My parents were both of the "my opinion is morally right" club and admittedly I struggle at times too, though I've made huge improvement. My dad would go to every meeting, give every talk, do literally anything they asked him to do. He told me when I was a young M.S. to say yes to anything asked of me.
Later in life I'd take him fishing, trying so hard to develop a relationship with him. If he was asked on Saturday to do something after service, I had to wait even longer. Everything came in last place compared to dub stuff. He gave talks where he passed out on stage as his health declined. It was horrible.
He'd do weird things like he would go out to bring home dinner for my mom and sister, but first he had to stop by Taco Bell, eat inside by himself, and then go get their food. He had rituals that had to be done, everyone else be damned.
All of us kids deal with some measure of compulsive behaviors. My dad was his own extreme though. Good thing he was an elder and shining example to the congregation, a lighthearted affable dude that turned into a miserable jerk at home.
Is the Bible from Men, NOT God?
by the-Question infor those claiming that- how much thought or research have you done?.
objective or non-objective?.
ever read the other books claiming to be from god?
Dubstepped: Lol, Genesis has a literal talking snake and figurative creative days. It also has a God so stupid that he can't see that man needs a companion. I believe that the plants were created before the sun....
Putting your downright scary logic on display by picking only one argument that I made and then arguing it poorly is relignuttery. Very sad, but hey, you have the right to believe in whatever delusional story you want. Wear your fables like a badge of honor if you like, just don't pretend they aren't as fable-icious as those other books. Besides, the only good holy book is the "Book of Arnold" (see "The Book of Mormon" play). Whether it's the Bible, Book of Mormon, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or any other work of fiction, they all deserve about the same level of respect. Remember, you were the one that asked the question here, don't hold your breath and pout just because you don't like the answers.
the-Question: Don't parrots, porpoise, and whales talk? Proudly displaying your ignorance is tragilarious!