Healthy boundaries (of which JWs know nothing) are where you end and I begin. You have to live your life for you, not them. There's a great book called "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud that helped me, just one of many that helped me get emotionally healthy enough to take my life back.
Welcome to the forum. You'll find nice and supportive people here, and a few that aren't so. For all of us that wasted too many years of our lives asleep in the organization, do us all a favor and go live a happy and free life. Your parents get to choose how they react. That's all on them. You can't control that and have no responsibility to live your life the way they are most comfortable with. Their love is conditional and most JWs are about control, which sadly is not love. Who has greater love, the person that only loves you for being exactly what they want, or the person who loves you for who YOU are?