Look, horrible abuses went on in the house next door growing up. They were JWs, and unfortunately they studied with my mom and fucked over the next three decades of my life. My best friend was next door. I had no clue what was going on until it all came out decades later. Nobody knew, including the congregation, and nothing could have been done. Had it been known we would have reported it. Why? No legal reason, it's just part of being a good person. Sadly, JWs don't really care about being good people, they only care about technicalities and written rules and miss out on chances to help.
In their own religious doctrine, failure to report what you know is implied consent to what happened and you could be disciplined for not speaking up. Yet those bastards know the kids are likely being raped and do nothing. They share responsibility for what goes on, by their own doctrine, and are hypocrites at best.