Somehow other churches, "false religion" as JWs would call them, have managed to be so much more cooperative. Jehovah's Witnesses do little more than release a letter saying that victims don't have to face accusers. They're trying to get away with the bare minimum.
I don't know who the last guy was that questioned the Watchtower tools, but I loved his point. Are they going to wait until absolutely necessary to offer redress? He was looking for human compassion or empathy out of their robots, which is hard to find there or from their apologists here. They don't care about anything but legalities as a very legalistic organization, lacking basic humanity.
Did anyone else notice the accidental cutaway to Angus laughing at them? I loved that.
Those two guys that they put up were a train wreck, but it's hard to find good, well rounded people there. Mostly mindless, heartless automatons. I got so sick of the fake respect given to the court with "if I may", "with all due respect" , etc., over and over and over, all the while showing a complete lack of respect by not actually acting, waiting until the last minute to even look at things, trying to weasel out of redress, etc.