Richard, you keep repeating this as if you could say it enough that it would become true. So:
I would speak as myself and give an explanation and would give what I believe but that is not what those gentlemen were asked to speak as, they were asked to speak as representatives so wording is very important.
But how I believe it to be is that one who disassociates themselves have decided that they no longer want to be associated with Jehovah's Witnesses and no longer be considered one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a formal way of leaving a religion that one no longer agrees with either from a human or spiritual stand point.
Yes, you get this right in that a person no longer wants to be associated with the title "Jehovah's Witnesses", though that doesn't mean that they no longer want to associate with, oh, let's just get crazy and say their parents or siblings that are JWs, as an example. Disassociation is from the religion, not the people, it is the people in that decide to shun based on their cult teachings.
I would bring out that Paul speaks of not even eating with such a man that was once called your brother but that is no longer.
And I would ask for a cite of this scripture please. Where does Paul say this?
That even Jesus removed himself from Judas when he excused Judas from associating with him and the other apostles before his betrayal of the Christ.
I've already told you my opinion, not that you probably even read it because you only care about your own words, which you are in such love with that you just keep repeating them over and over. Where did Jesus have opportunity after dismissing Judas to go do what he had to do and what Jesus knew he had to do to speak to Judas where he said "Oh NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even speak to this person. I must shun him." Dismissing someone from a meeting does not equate to shunning someone. People are summarily dismissed from things all the time, it doesn't mean that they're shunned forever thereafter. To call what Jesus did shunning is just ridiculous and shows that you're still brainwashed. Your god Jehovah still associated with Satan after he became Satan. He even allowed him to stay in heaven and influence angels.
I would say ultimately it is each person's personal decision if they want to shun someone who is disassociated.
I would say that you're in conflict with the religion that you worship, and apparently what even you think scriptures say.
I am not associated with a Congregation because of my sexuality but in my decades of a witness i have never known anyone who got DF for communicating with a DA or a DF person, I may be living in a fantasy world but that is my experience. I can only speak of the US but that is a perfectly legal thing.
Ask Ray Franz how talking to an unapproved person in the organization works for you. True, most won't know of someone that is DFed fro speaking to a person who is DA or DF, but that's because nobody knows about it and they keep it secret, or they just don't do it. So this is a disingenuous argument.