I have no such sympathy. Fishy has been here 13 years and still comes just to stir things up. He deserves no sympathy. At a point it's willful ignorance based in obstinance and arrogance, or just plain evil.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Fisherman concludes too little. Robots that are indoctrinated often lack the ability to think or reason, but rather let the governing body do so for them, the hallmark of any cult victim.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
There is none so blind as he who will not see.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Fishy must be an elder. He's so arrogant as to think he can tell people what and where to post. Stavro nailed it. Keep posting Fishy, your drivel makes good reason stand out and shine over your indoctrinated blathering. -
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Hey dumbass, you're the one that bumped this and decided to take Cofty on. This is hilarious. You also are helping others to see Cofty's point, so thanks!
The Latest Trend in NW England: Homeschooling Your Children
by pale.emperor ini dont know if this is becoming a national thing or even globally.
but im hearing more and more people i knew from my jw days have taken their kids out of school to home school them instead.
in my sisters case she's taken her 8yo and 6yo children out already and her 3yo wont ever start a school.
Every kid I knew that was home-schooled fared badly. For most it was just an excuse for lonely moms to keep kids around, for kids to somehow count field service and indoctrination as their school work, and to avoid any worldly association. Many didn't graduate and got a GED at best. They learned that education isn't valuable. I remember looking at the books my sister had as she graduated from Penn Foster's home program and thinking that it was on par with what I did in middle school. I'm glad I got to go through "traditional" programs and wish I had gone to college. From every experience I've seen, home schooling is a joke.
Most lacked social skills too. It isn't just the actual book learning that suffers.
In our area of the United States (Indiana/Kentucky) more and more were turning to home schooling when we left.
My mom is into "The Secret"
by BlackWolf inlately my mom's gotten into all kinds of weird "power of positive thinking" kind of stuff.
she watches "the secret" and bob proctor videos all the time, and now she's trying to get me into it.
to me her being into this sort of thing seems kind of hypocritical.
Wow, I'm not surprised that a JW is into this, though I'm surprised on some level that it would be okay. In the end, isn't prayer and The Secret kind of the same thing? Think positive thoughts and Jehovah/the universe/fairies will bring it to you. There is some connection between thinking positively and being able to achieve things, which is obvious, but these things usually go much farther.
I'll be happy for you when you're able to get out and away from this stuff. Time is moving, hopefully you'll be able to as well. I know you love your parents and want what's best for them. I'm sorry that you have to witness their issues on display though. They clearly need help, both of them, real mental and emotional help, not woo designed to make them feel good, but real life changes that are grounded and make them feel good.
I doubt the WT has taken a hard stance on this particular program, though they may have alluded to it at some point. Someone with more research ability can find that. To me the bigger issue is that is shows how impressionable your mom is, and that just honestly makes me sad for her.............and you.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Coincidence that Fishy throws in the towel and his other half RO shows up? I think not.
Women are a "stack of bones and a hank of hair" - J.F. Rutherford
by krismalone ini have heard rumors and anecdotes of j.f.
rutherford calling women "a hank of hair and a stack of bones" but i never thought it was documented.
well thanks to jwfacts i finally found the quote in print.. this j.f.
Just because that was a quote doesn't mean that he wasn't dissing women. He's the asshat that chose to quote that. He put pursuing women down. He clearly didn't respect the pursuit of a relationship. That's also just one of the things he said. Guy clearly didn't think highly of women. I'm surprised to see women taking up for him.
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Fisherman, casting a line and getting eaten alive for 13 years on here. You may start fights you can't win, but you can hold your head high knowing that you started it.
Nice work here Cofty. I'm kind of glad Fishy bumped this, not just to watch him lose again, but these are very interesting thoughts. The JW teaching on blood just doesn't hold up under any reason. One can pick and choose a verse, take it literally and without context, but that's something religions of the world do that JWs condemn. JWs would certainly never do that, lol