Feel free to correct me if I'm missing something here. I make no claim to understand all of the ins and outs of this. But if people get big mad and want to take all of the evil corporations money and want to see their profits decrease, will that not cripple the retirements of individuals that invest in these corporations in their 401k or IRA or other such portfolios for the future? I had this conversation with a friend once and don't remember them defending this much other than that corporations are evil and need to be punished like anyone else that has more money than them. But if these companies all start having less profitable years, won't the interest rates we all hope to get so that we can retire and not have to eat dog food go down?
Aren't we all going to pay for this either in the loss of our portfolio and retirement accounts or prices will be raised on the goods and services we buy therefore we'll be paying for it there? I just don't get how this is good for workers or anyone really other than the government which is nothing but a parasite that produces nothing and takes everything they have.
Again, and I mean this sincerely, explain this to me if I'm missing something. I very well may be as I'm still learning things in this world after leaving the cult and putting pieces together as I go.
JoinedPosts by dubstepped
A group of 136 countries set a minimum global tax rate of 15% for big corporations
by Disillusioned JW ina group of 136 countries set a minimum global tax rate of 15% for big corporations.
that is a major goal accomplished by the biden administration.
seehttps://www.wsj.com/articles/countries-agree-to-global-deal-to-curb-tax-avoidance-11633709979 .. if corresponding legislation gets passed into law in the usa it will be much harder for corporations doing business in the usa to move their operations out of the usa to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
Charles Taze Russell divorce/separation original court transcript
by carod2000 indear how can i get the original divorce transcript from russell vs russell separation/divorce ?
i only find excerpts from the process: wt 1906 07/15 http://www.tj-encyclopedie.org/séparation_légale_des_époux_russell
, books from edmond gruss, duane magani, joseph f. zygmunt, ph.d. thesis, barbara harrison and newspaper brooklyn eagle news.
Was it Russell that was described in a transcript as being like a jellyfish flitting around touching this one and that one to see how they'd respond?
Do You Know Of Anyone That Has Seen A Therapist Because Of Being A Witness?
by minimus ini really don’t know of many people who got into therapy because of their jw dealings but i would think that if someone remains depressed or severely affected by their past witness life, it’s not a bad idea to speak to someone to get you on the right path.
i think this site has been very therapeutic for many over the years..
Yes, many have seen counselors of a variety of types because much trauma is caused by the cult. Many also go into the field after leaving and going to college in part to heal themselves. I myself have a life coaching practice and I work with many ex-JWs and ex-other groups every day to help them heal and move forward. It is extremely common.
Anyone know a link to the leaked music video the cult is so upset about?
by mickbobcat ini have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
I watched Lloyd's video about it yesterday. Apparently the JWs themselves put their video out prematurely, a music video they're going to use to bring down the house and close out their summer cult convention. But they released it by accident on their website, then some pro-JW channels picked it up and shared it because they liked it. Watchtower is actually going after those pro-JW channels to get it taken down based on copyright reasons, but they are the ones that put it out, thus leaking their own material.
Lloyd has the music video in his video commentary about it. It was as dumb as their usual content.
Ramapo Accepting Public Comment On Proposed Jehovah’s Witnesses HQ In Sloatsburg
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://rcbizjournal.com/2021/05/18/ramapo-now-accepting-public-comment-on-proposed-jehovahs-witnesses-hq-in-sloatsburg/.
may 18, 2021. a deis hearing will be held may 26; public comments period ends june 21. by tina traster.
the town of ramapo will be accepting public comment on the proposed new world headquarters of jehovah’s witnesses audio/video production center now that the deis (draft environmental impact statement) is complete.
"The religious order, known as the Worldwide Order of Special Full Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses..."
How many names do they have? The Worldwide Order of the Christian Congregation of Watchtower Corporation's Witnesses of Pennsylvania New York. -
Have You Been “Gaslit”?
by minimus ingaslighting is a form of sustained manipulation that causes the victim to question or doubt their sanity, judgment and memories.
it’s a form of emotional abuse.
i think jehovah’s witnesses have been gaslit.
Of course, everything the cult does revolves around gaslighting. From weaponizing your family against you to denying they said things even when you have proof, to constantly trying to make you doubt your own thoughts and feelings, Jehovahs Witnesses are masters of gaslighting. Everything they do is to cause you to doubt yourself so that you have to trust them and them alone. Do not lean upon your own understanding or trust your own heart, trust the minds and hearts of the dear leaders.
Narrowly focused, sometimes illiterate
by vienne inthree of my sisters - there are five of us - were baptized as witnesses.
one of them has gone from reading voraciously to only reading her textbooks and watchtower publications.
this does not seem to be unusual among witnesses.
They are kept so busy reading the copious amount of literature produced that they have little time for anything else. The newspaper is what they read in order to keep up with world events to know when the end is near. Nothing else matters, and they are told this from the platform. Anything else is a waste of time. Let's repeat...it's a cult. They aren't going to want you doing non-culty things.
I find that many JWs and ex-JWs write very poorly. Many are home schooled by parents with little education inside a cult that downplays education as having little importance, and their school materials are often little more than cult propaganda. That propaganda gets more simple as they infantilize their followers.
Many don't read or have any interest in reading because all they're allowed to read growing up are Watchtower publications and their lack of interest means that they simply never read.
Now it appears that most exposure is to JW videos, so my guess is that reading will become even less important.
BLM co-founder bought $1.4 million house in LA
by LoveUniHateExams inever wondered what blm do with their donations?.
well, i think i may have discovered an answer.. co-founder patrisse cullors has bought herself a nice, million dollar home in topanga, an exclusive la enclave, the demographics of which is approx.
80% white and 1.5% black.. yeah, cullors, an open marxist, has benefitted greatly from a capitalist country, lol.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4zrno_jcc0.
Robbing your child of a normal upbringing
by RiverPeace inhappy to be joining you!.
i am a 75 year old, who was baptized in 1968. had the full-on jw experience.
elder since 1974. reg pioneered 20 years.
You did the best you could with the tools you had at the time in your mental and emotional arsenal. Nobody can fault you for doing the best you could with what you had. Acceptance means letting go of the hope that things could have been different. How could they, if you were doing your best? Nobody wakes up one day and says, "I'm going to raise my family in a cult and harm them". You weren't malicious. You need to work on understanding how all of this worked and forgiving yourself.
To The Australian Government .Have Jehovah`s Witnesses signed the Redress scheme ?
by smiddy3 inmaybe i`m a just a bit more impatient than some ,but the govt.
did say they will name and shame those who do not sign up to the redress scheme didn`t they ?
and take away their special priveledges , etc.?.
To demonstrate that they are bending over backwards to be reasonable and fair, and that the Org has had absolutely every chance to do the right thing, will not, and have therefore condemned themselves by their own actions...
Haven't they already? Define "every" chance. March is another chance. April? May? 2022? 2023? Why really even put a limit on it?
...and when their tax-exemption is finally revoked, they will have zero legitimate cause to whine about "persecution", or (more importantly from the secular authorities' POV) waste the courts' time and money trying to fight the results.
They already have zero legitimate cause to whine about persecution. Zero. It's been years. They will whine about persecution anyway, this does nothing to change that, and they have never needed legitimate cause to do so. You're dealing with a cult, not reasonable people. Most JWs already believe that the ARC isn't anything but apostate driven lies already. This changes nothing.
This also doesn't prevent the cult from any legal banter.In addition, the public outcry over CSA has become an issue that democratic nations can no longer ignore, the WTS has presented themselves as a near-perfect subject for an example to be made of (something that occasionally needs to be done), and I'm positive the Aussie legal system knows it.
Not to mention that they also know the world is watching with interest, so their tactics can serve as a template for others to follow.The whole world is watching? I doubt many people know or care outside of the ex-JW community. They could also be using the wrong tactics and be giving that as an example. Conflating the world watching with them doing the right thing isn't necessarily true.
Big picture, man, big picture.
Yes, and in the big picture I think that being lenient and lax on the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses never works. They lack boundaries and don't take things seriously because they get away with it their entire lives. Australia set a boundary and backed off it, something that rarely ever garners respect for the boundary set.
I hope it works on some level. I know there is more than one "right" way to do something, and that many tactics can work. I know that some are saying now that the focus is really the CSA survivors and giving more time for the JWs to join so that it keeps the door open for possible redress. How about you just revoke the charitable status now and give that tax money to the CSA survivors as redress and skip the niceties toward Watchtower? Just a thought. I just think they're playing Watchtower's game instead of the other way around, and that is is weak. I hope it works out though.