Just had to share the lates photos of my kids. They are so cute.
Their Dad bought them presents the other day. My daughter loves her's, a life size My Little Pony. We call it My Ruddie Huge Pony.
She has to sleep with it every night.
just had to share the lates photos of my kids.
they are so cute.. their dad bought them presents the other day.
my daughter loves her's, a life size my little pony.
Just had to share the lates photos of my kids. They are so cute.
Their Dad bought them presents the other day. My daughter loves her's, a life size My Little Pony. We call it My Ruddie Huge Pony.
She has to sleep with it every night.
Well.......ya can't complain about that, can ya?
Nope, can't at all. She's my little cuddle muffin.
So is my son.
we've learned so much about each other and i thought i'd toss this out atcha.....
i'm five feet tall (or short---however you see it :-) and wondering how tall you are!
I'm a very cute 5' 1"
i have one or two little spiders that i noticed living in my home... but i don't get rid of them hoping that they will keep the other bugs out.. does anyone else do this?.
Yep, I have one that lives in the corner of my lounge window. Was going to get rid of him untill he caught a big blow fly that had been annoying me for days. He's now a permanant resident. My 6 year old loves to stand and watch him kill and roll up his prey in his web. It's fascinating.
Thanks Gumby,
I've got my 2 year old sitting on my lap, she now has her arms firmly attached around my neck. Will have to have them surgecly removed to put her to bed.
hmmm i'm on a roll tonight.
the self-respect test.
How much self-respect do you have?
Your score = 90 | |||||
What does your score mean?
Way to go! You seem to have a high level of self-respect. You don't put yourself in situations that could be potentially humiliating and don't do things that make you uncomfortable just to please others. You're likely very self-confident and know that to get respect from others, you have to respect yourself first. As a result of this insight, you don't put yourself down or jeopardize compromise your beliefs to look good. This is an extremely healthy attitude, one that surely protects others from taking advantage of you and allows you to maintain your integrity!
Way to go me.
i rang family services this afternoon.. the woman i spoke to was very helpful and honest.. firstly i told her i had rung because the person that abused my child had been seen by me pushing a toddler in a pram and by a friend of mine tickling and touching children at the meetings.
i expressed how fearful i am for the children in the congo.. she wanted the pedos name, my name, my kid's name etc.
she asked what he did to my kid and when i told her she said he was an abuser..........no kidding!
Bliss well done.
You have done everything you can.
There are caring parents in some congregations who will warn other parents about child molesters in the congregation. I know I was warned by some about other members of the congregation.
At least the authorities now have it on record. If When the pedo does offend again at least more will be done about it and the childs story will be give a lot more credibility.
god said at genesis 1:26-27.
26) "let us make man (mankind?
) in our image, according to our likeness... 27) and god proceeded to create the man in his image, in his image he created him; male and female he created them.
I believe in equatily. Total 50/50.
If a marriage or parntnership is going to work then both should have a equal say, otherwise one is always taken for granted and troden on.
I saw many witness marriages where wives just hid behind there husbands because they were just to scared or did not know how to make decisions. My marriage was different, I was good at making decisions, they were not always right, and my husband was hopeles at it and could never take any kind of initiative.
I was accused time after time of not showing subjection to my husband, how can you when ther is no headship.
this is a very special day me and i would like to share it with you all.
it was one year ago today, oleg and i came to the apex of our journey together.
not knowing each other, we put our faith in god and our fantastic doctors at texas transplant institute, and went under the knife that oleg may live a better, longer life.
What a great thing to do Brian. Well dome and congratulations to you both.
how has the internet changed your life?.
ok, i guess if you left the org because of the internet, that is quite a big change.. but what about all the other changes, as to shopping, banking and so on.. what about the fact, you now have not just a photo album, but copies of all your friends photographs as well.. not to mention web cams, which i'm thinking of setting up.. isn't it a revolution in it's own right?, or would you describe it as just a part of the information revolution.
or the pinacle of the information revoltuion?
Main reason I go on line was to keep in contact with family, they live all over the world. I love being able to take photos of my kids and then emailing them imediately to my Dad in england.
I do a lot of research on the internet and all my banking. Found the last three cars i bought on the internet.
Love being here to, although I do waste a lot of time when i should be doing stuff like washing and cleaning.