When I was a Cocktail Waitress and a Restaurant
Wow Brooke, you were a cocktail waitress and a restaurant? I've heard of Wendy's restaurant but never Brookes restaurant.
my most frightening experience occured about 12 years as i was driving in a safari park with wild animals like tigers around.
there was suddenly a very loud explosion under the bonnet and that really frightened me and my two passengers, if there is to be a fire what do we do with tigers outside?
fortunately it soon became clear that there was no fire only a lot steam came gushing out, the cooling system had over heated and a pipe got burst asunder .
When I was a Cocktail Waitress and a Restaurant
Wow Brooke, you were a cocktail waitress and a restaurant? I've heard of Wendy's restaurant but never Brookes restaurant.
my most frightening experience occured about 12 years as i was driving in a safari park with wild animals like tigers around.
there was suddenly a very loud explosion under the bonnet and that really frightened me and my two passengers, if there is to be a fire what do we do with tigers outside?
fortunately it soon became clear that there was no fire only a lot steam came gushing out, the cooling system had over heated and a pipe got burst asunder .
I was once associated with a religion called Jehovah's Witnesses. It was freightening!!!!
i asked this question as part of another thread but i thought i would ask it in a new thread.
if there were some way to assure that your death would result in your family and friends learning the truth about the wts would you be willing to die to 'save' them?
okay devinsmom,
so what you are saying is that you wouldn't be willing to die so that others might live? that's the basic concept of christianity. (not that i am saying christianity is the proper course) i guess the concept of dying that others might live is foreign to you. many people die everyday for strangers (soldiers, policemen, firefighters etc. etc.) it doesn't surprise me at all that some people would sacrifice themselves, even if it is only to improve the lives of others a little bit.
i asked this question as part of another thread but i thought i would ask it in a new thread.
if there were some way to assure that your death would result in your family and friends learning the truth about the wts would you be willing to die to 'save' them?
But lilbit, my question is, what if your death GUARANTEED that they would get out. It's a complete hypothetical because as you suggest, in the real world your death would likely cause them to cling more to the borg. But this is a hypothetical question.
i asked this question as part of another thread but i thought i would ask it in a new thread.
if there were some way to assure that your death would result in your family and friends learning the truth about the wts would you be willing to die to 'save' them?
The thing that bothers me the most is the stupid blood ban. If it weren't for that the WTS wouldn't be soooooooooooo bad. But that stupid teaching could take the life of someone I love at any moment. That is actually why my father died, because of that teaching. Most everything else, the lies, cover-ups, flip-flops, doctrinal errors and so forth, while not desirable don't threaten their lives on a daily basis. But that stupid blood ban. So frustrating!
i asked this question as part of another thread but i thought i would ask it in a new thread.
if there were some way to assure that your death would result in your family and friends learning the truth about the wts would you be willing to die to 'save' them?
I asked this question as part of another thread but I thought I would ask it in a new thread. If there were some way to assure that your death would result in your family and friends learning the truth about the WTS would you be willing to die to 'save' them?
often, we hear that jw's would give their life for a brother or sister anywhere in the world.
the more i know jw's, the more i say, "heck no"!
since jw's believe in the resurrection, why bother?
Here is an interesting thought, If you could give your life so that those you love could know the truth about the WTS would you do it?
six months ago i knew nothing about the watchtowe religion.
i had not read my bible for more than 25 years, and had gradually drifted between atheism and agnosticism, without giving any thought to what those terms meant.
then my lifelong friends started studying with jws.
What christians fail to know is that all have everlasting life. And judgement is carries out by the person/soul/spirit on itself. So, a positive thinking, good person is on an even standing w a positive thinking, good christian. There goes the christian exclusivity. 'Course, that's just my opinion.
So you mean I have to have a positive attitude? I'm screwed!
often, we hear that jw's would give their life for a brother or sister anywhere in the world.
the more i know jw's, the more i say, "heck no"!
since jw's believe in the resurrection, why bother?
JH, I have to disagree with you here. I was one of those that would have died for my brothers and sisters. It's that same attitude of self sacrifice that led me to Bethel service. When you really believe in something, like I did, you are not afraid of a temporary loss of life. To a lesser degree that is the attitude that a person has to have to pioneer or go to Bethel. Sacrificing now for something that a person thinks is more important than onesself. So I would say that the ones who would die, are the ones who truly believe. (Kind of like the suicide bomber. Though they are misguided, they obviously truly believe in what they are doing.)
six months ago i knew nothing about the watchtowe religion.
i had not read my bible for more than 25 years, and had gradually drifted between atheism and agnosticism, without giving any thought to what those terms meant.
then my lifelong friends started studying with jws.
Minimus, he is saying he is one of Jehovah's Witnesses in the true sense, not a member of the organization that refer to themselves as "Jehovah's Witnesses." A true witness (Isa 43:10) is one who speaks the truth about God. Anyone who reveals the falsehoods of the borg is a true witness for God.