Congratulations!!! That is such a special moment.
Enjoy every second of it.
i am sitting here looking at my very first christmas tree set up in the foyer.
a very good friend gave us a prelit 6 ft tree.
my husband brought it home last night and i just couldn't stand it anymore!.
Congratulations!!! That is such a special moment.
Enjoy every second of it.
essie .
a young mother has died after giving birth to twins, following claims that she had refused a blood transfusion because of her faith.
jehovah's witness, emma gough, 22, from telford, shropshire, gave birth on 25 october.
This was posted as a comment to the article about Emma on the Sun website.
I don't know the forum policy anymore about posting things from other sites, but this is buried in some 10+ pages of comments over there, and I felt that it was just too amazingly written to miss. So mods, apologies if this needs deletion, I mean no offense.
The comment writer writes:
I am a Jehovah’s Witness. My religion let me down. I have seen too many young mothers die refusing blood. My religion keeps telling me this is God’s will. My heart keeps telling me this is unloving. My religion keeps telling me the Bible says to do this. My mind can’t find this in the Bible. My religion keeps telling me we are protected from disease because we refuse blood. But we die just the same, because we refuse blood. My religion fights in the courts for freedom to teach as it wants to teach. But my religion represses me from openly expressing my outrage at its blood prohibition with its weapon of organized communal and family shunning. My religion tells the world Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusion out of sincerely held belief. The reality is my religion enforces social ostracizing of any Jehovah’s Witness who dares to accept blood in good conscience. My religion tells the world that it represents all Jehovah’s Witnesses in relation to blood transfusion issues. My religion represses me from sharing my actual belief. My religion tells doctors that Jehovah’s Witnesses each decide for themselves. The reality is Jehovah’s Witnesses are all monitored by other (medical staff) Jehovah’s Witnesses who are indoctrinated to breach medical ethical laws to report if and when a fellow Jehovah’s Witness accepts blood. So how is the medical world to know my belief? If I want to retain normal family relationships with my husband and grown children (who are Jehovah’s Witnesses) then I am coerced to refuse blood transfusion at increased risk of death. My choice is to either accept an increased risk of premature death or to accept risk of losing my family relationships. I love my family, so I am coerced to accept increased risk of death by refusing blood when it is deemed necessary to prevent death and/or morbidity. My religion has betrayed me, and lied to the public. I am trapped.
Now there, someone is telling the truth about "The Truth".
mum aged 22 dies for jehovah....
This is extreemly sad. I hope that the lass was truely convinced her religion is the true one. How anyone can be 'this sure' is beyond me. It always makes me wonder what the JW elder says at the funeral of people who die as a result of refusing blood. Filth!
What will they say? They'll make an example out of her- they'll hold her up as the highest ideal any JW can strive for because she will be called 'faithful unto death'. I wish so much more that she were alive than another JW martyr. But they will say that she was loyal and courageous- and I'm sure that was true because you have to be to die for your convictions or to live for them- I just wish she had known all the facts before she and her family made the decision. They will say that she will receive her reward in paradise when she is resurrected. That's what they'll say. They'll probably write an Awake article about her.
when my mom-in-law wanted copies of the research i had done, i naiively hoped that because she has always harbored doubts she would respond positively.
they came to dinner last night.
she told me she is upset that i am so hurt and upset.
they really know how to push the buttons don't they?
sorry you have to deal with this.
mum aged 22 dies for jehovah....
Truthseeker beat me to it. Faundy said:
but I was disappointed that once again this site features articles that many simply love to grab hold of and devour in order to bitch and moan once again about the society.
What did you expect us to do, say "good show WTS for allowing another person to die needlessly and oh well at least the family was doing what they thought was right?"
Maybe the reason we're so angry is that some of us have either lost relatives because of the blood issue or could have died ourselves due to it.
Maybe we have good reason to be angry. I pity the family. They are the ones who will have to live with the repurcussions of all of this- at least Emma is either sleeping or in a better place, however you view it. She's not suffering now. The family and her now motherless children will suffer and YES that is ENTIRELY the fault of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!!!
mum aged 22 dies for jehovah....
What makes this even more dispicable in my mind is the fact that the WTS has gone through all of this blood fraction bull**** in the recent past. . . dissecting what you can and cannot have when this young girl was martyred for the sake of the ramblings of mad old men. If someone had taken a packet of blood and written "blood fractions' across it would they have accepted it then? Considering that yes, if you look at it from a certain point of view, it does contain fractions of blood. ALL of them, but still in parts! They play with semantics while people die. I cannot understand how these people sleep at night.
Any JW lurkers who may be reading this, I ask you- how in good conscience can you go out and knock on anyone's door and perpetuate the fetid, rotting garbage that the tower produces? How can you sleep at night knowing you're out there trying to convert people to a cult with such twisted perceptions of right and wrong?
Somehow, I would like to think that someone will pay for this someday. But in my heart, I know that the only one who has paid is Emma- and her babies.
Any man who could stand by and watch his young wife bleed to death. . .*shudder*
And yet. I know that my ex husband would have done it "for" me believing he was right all the time.
I'm just heartsick over this.
i think i'm at like 5 or something...i think.. just disappearing without saying goodbye counts.. .
so here we go.... .
wlg - 5.
I've taken vacations from posting. Up to a couple of weeks or so at a time. Nobody seemed to notice.
:: shrugs ::
Scully this must've been while I was gone, because you're one of a very few people that I immediately search recent posts for when I come in and out. (((((((Scully))))))))))
I don't know how many times I've come and gone- I've backed away slowly, run away screaming, panicked internally and just vanished. When some things are as emotionally charged as JWD is, it's hard to predict if something will trigger you- if I get triggered into abuse flashbacks, I find it really hard to stay and usually have to leave for awhile. On another subject, though, I don't agree with the 'goodbye threads' being attention seeking. I think that if you've made friends on a forum it's only polite to tell them if you plan on being away- so people don't think you fell off the edge of the Earth. I care about the people here- when someone vanishes, I worry something bad has happened to them. So I, for one, always appreciate being told if someone is taking a leave of absence. As for me, I don't do the goodbye threads anymore because it's never really goodbye for me- it usually ends up as 'until next time'. essiei just got a call from an elder from my old kh, i have not been to meeitngs since april 2007. i recently took my daughter to thier first b-day party, (their cousin), anyways, they want to ask if i celebrate b-day now.
i told them i'd speak with them later.
so, since i ahve been inactive since april can they df me?????
A PO's wife in my old cong. owned a cake decorating business and 80% of her sales were making b-cakes. I always wondered how she got away with it.
How did she get away with it? She was the PO's wife- that's why. PO's hold a lot of power- their kids never seem to get DF'd not matter what they do- and they can make great 'allowances' for things such as the above mentioned cakes if it means money in their pocket, which in this case, it did. Just like if a PO wants you df'd- no matter what you do or say, you will be DF'd. I know this from personal experience. They can DF you whether you talk to them or not. Sounds like you got caught doing something that may bring your fade to an abrupt end. Keep posting- you may find your best support here on this forum for whatever happens next.
Good luck essie
jws are officially told the "right" reason for baptism is a heart motivated out of love and appreciation for all jehovah has done combined with the desire to please him.
now let's get real.
be honest.
Because I was 12 and the CO said in no uncertain terms in a talk that if you wanted to see your dead loved ones again you had to be baptized.
I was in the pool within 3 months of my grandfather's death. The man was the father of my heart. I'd have done anything for the chance to see him again.
on being discarded by the love of your life.
on getting on with your life.
on going downhill (physically, emotionally, or while taking a walk).
On Being Discarded by the Love of Your Life:
The real love of your life will not discard you. Everyone else, is just a wanna-be.
On Getting on With Your Life
One foot in front of the other. Try to focus, in a positive way, (not getting enmeshed in other people's drama) on the needs of others by finding a volunteer cause that speaks to you- and then devote time to it. Giving to others helps keep people from getting too self-centered because there is always someone who is having a rougher time than you are.
On Going Downhill (physically, emotionally, or while taking a walk)
Physically- happens to he best of us. If anyone has any tips for living with chronic pain- and I don't mean medications- I'd love to hear them. The doctors are out of stuff to try on me, so I'm white-knuckling it on acetomenophen and music. Lots and lots of music. But it's gaining on me :/
Emotionally: We all ride a rollercoaster we've been strapped into thanks to the JW past we share in common. The key is to get through the bad days- so you can really enjoy the good ones when they happen.
While taking a walk- just be sure whoever walked their dog before you didn't leave anything behind to get on your shoes LOL.
On Dieting-- if you can't lose weight no matter what you try- it might be your medications if you take any don't beat yourself up over it. I've lost a ton in the past year after discontinuing meds I was not even supposed to be taking with my conditions. It's not always food.
That being said, you have to eat. Try to slow down and actually taste what you do eat- and then realize that your worth as a human is not determined by the number on the scale.
On Being a Princess-- I've been treated like one- at times. It makes me nervous, because it's a long way to fall. But I'd rather be treated like a best friend- the one that another simply cannot do without- instead of being up on a pedestal. Because the expectations of others can be very hard to live up to if they see you as a Princess.
On Celibacy
-----Ugh. I prefer the word 'celebrate' to 'celebate'. LOL Seriously though, Dr. Phil says and I agree that it's better to be 'healthy alone than sick with someone else'. I have thought long and hard about my life- and it puzzles me when people are so desperate to be with anyone so theyr'e not alone that they will, literally, be with anyone they can find.
I'd rather be by myself than with the wrong person. I've been with the wrong person before- and the hours pass so much more slowly than when I was on my own. I'm not afraid of my own company- I in fact, enjoy my solitude and have to have a certain amount of it even if only late at night when everyone else is asleep- to keep my balance.
On Not Sweating the Small Stuff
---The big stuff is sometimes made up of small stuff that you could stop if you pay attention. Sometimes, small things are a warning. But if you're just obsessing on tiny things that you can't change, then get busy helping other people. Volunteering also helps with this as well.
On True Friends Whom You May Never Meet in Person
----I am fine with this. I have gotten more strength and help to get through hard times in the past decade from friends I have never been in the same room with than with those who claimed they'd be there in 'real life' so to speak and bail at the first sign of any thing in your life going wrong, or not being 'fun' enough for them. A friend is what they prove themselves to be- not defined by their geographical location.
On ... (other topic)
On- music. I just don't know how I'd live without it.
On Quality of JWD Posts: There is a lot of value here- if you can just find it.
On Quantity of JWD Posts: Like any forum that is hugely busy- you have to look really hard to find what you're after. But you can find it, if you try.
On: Coco :) Thank you for this great thread- you're a gem