Apostate you nillybob!!! They were until they resigned last month?!?!?!?!?!?! BUSTED!!!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by ashitaka
I love you all
by apostatebuster inwhy won't you let me help you?
you have been deceived!!!
it's not too late.
I love you all
by apostatebuster inwhy won't you let me help you?
you have been deceived!!!
it's not too late.
Call the UN you dummy!!! Are they apostate too? How about signed documents? Want to bring a slander case against us? Just try.
Amazing....they get dumber and dumber.
Don't hurt your ears when you put your fingers in them and hum......
I love you all
by apostatebuster inwhy won't you let me help you?
you have been deceived!!!
it's not too late.
Do you like the new, improved JW/UN library cards?
I love you all
by apostatebuster inwhy won't you let me help you?
you have been deceived!!!
it's not too late.
Are you a current JW? Or another religion?
As for understanding the bible, I believe learning about christian love, and Jesus journeys is the most important. I believe JW's would be a better people if they would leave the apocolyptic scriptures to fulfill themselves (and stop insinuating predictions), and just use the bible in love. Love is the only thing that matters. And when people abandon (in the sense of abandoning close ties 'with the world') their families, friends, and other relations for 'the truth', they abandon the reason for being a religious person; the search for God in all ways of love, how to be a better person.
Apostate, talk like a human being, and stop trying to trawl the board with rhetoric...what are you really thinking? Are you afraid of us? do you think us demon posessed? What are your thoughts?
When JWs used to have FUN!!!
by Amazing inwhen i started associating in the late 1960s the jws were very sociable and had frequent fun events.
here are some examples of the kinds of events we enjoyed, why they existed, and then the reason they were taken away:.
sports: being involved in school or professional sports was frowned upon, so the brothers in the hall would arrange for sports for every other weekend.
Invite ELDERS?!?!?!?! aHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahah
by TweetieBird inreferences have been made recently about joining the ymca is considered apostasty by the wts.
what action could be taken against someone (inactive jw that occasionally goes to meetings, they still give me a km each month even tho i haven't been in service for a couple of years and i do not attend the thursday nite meeting) like me?
the reason i am asking is because we joined the ymca a few months ago and have a draft taken out of our bank account for the membership dues.
I remember my dad going on a rant when my mom wanted to join...that fight lasted hours.
Would you listen to a rumour?
by Simon inremember that article brothers?we have been up and running for less than a week and already have had accusations of apostacy bandied about.please stop and think before you make a serious allegation like this.
imagine the hurt it would cause to a genuine brother if it wasn't true.this doesn't mean that we should let our guard down against those who would try and disrupt things or cause divisions amongst us but i'm sure these poeple would like nothing more than to see us fall out with each other.some of these rumours have been spread by members of other boards or people pretending to be them.just be on your guard to this sort of activity and help us by not passing on unfounded accusations.thank you.
Simon, I looked into the archives and thought it was hilarious how you sounded....like "well, you're all right...of course...".
I love you all
by apostatebuster inwhy won't you let me help you?
you have been deceived!!!
it's not too late.
We welcome you to the forum, but you can leave the condescending attitude at the door. You have no idea, my friend, absolutly no idea.....
I love hypocrisy, I love slander!!!
by ashitaka inmy parents-in-law have accused my wife and i of attempted fraud, of corrupting their son, of slandering them (hahahaha, the truth is much better than any lie!!
) associating with disfellowshipped persons, etc.. my father said he was going to do something about it...he wants to straiten things out with the elders because he thinks it isn't right that my wife and i are "informally marked".. i told him to stop being naive, and that if he defended us, eventually that he would be marked, and if he fought that, disfellowshipped.
when we left my parents house last nite, i was looking into the face of a broken man.
My parents-in-law have accused my wife and I of attempted fraud, of corrupting their son, of slandering them (hahahaha, the truth is much better than any lie!!) associating with disfellowshipped persons, etc.
My father said he was going to do something about it...he wants to straiten things out with the elders because he thinks it isn't right that my wife and I are "informally marked".
I told him to stop being naive, and that if he defended us, eventually that he would be marked, and if he fought that, disfellowshipped.
When we left my parents house last nite, I was looking into the face of a broken man. He just didn't understand the power that the elders, (even elders wives) have to destroy someone's reputation, and 'standing'. Now, don't get me wrong, I am far beyond worrying about my "standing", but I still have some very close friends that are "in" and it would hamper our relationship if my wife and I were ex-comm'ed.
As of now, my wife and I are technically still 'in', but even being an ex-witness is starting to sound nasty. i just want to erase that part of my life; my wife wants to even more than me.
Any of you have family members leave because of the way they you were shunned? Almost everyone of mine are leaving because of it.
"I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt
Jehovahs witnesses, in the divine purpose?
by sleepy innotice my watchtower style title?.
i've just been rereading the book " jehovahs witnesses in the divine purpose " from 1959.. its an ealier book recounting the history of the organisation.. i don't belive many jw's will have seen or read it, besides they have a new "history" book to read .. being more familiar with the history of the witnesses has made me realise how biased and misleading this book truely is.. here are some quotes from chapter 14 "reorganizing for active service service".. those who know about jw history will notice the slants and misleading statments straight away , but i'll try to explian some of them for anyone new.. in preparing the reader for explaining the changes rutherford made to the religion after russell's death it tells us;.
"when the society began to be freed for further preaching work following ww1 they realized they had been held in spiritual bondage too in many ways.
You guys said it best. All I have to sayis "Ugh, what a load of tripe."