Thanks, Larc, Marilyn...I would do what you suggested, Larc, if I could find her. I'll read, Marilyn...thanks.
today i found out that an old friend had da'd themselves because they were molested/raped by their parent-elder(this happened some time ago)....i thought that the person left just because...which is fine with me because i'm here on this website, and obviously not a dub.. it's just shocking how the pr unit of the dub army can control everything.
it makes me sick to my stomach.
and, of course, everyone has abandoned this person.
Thanks, Larc, Marilyn...I would do what you suggested, Larc, if I could find her. I'll read, Marilyn...thanks.
i just read this article in the chicago sun times.
when i started reading the parents were religious and then saw home-schooling, i had a gut feeling they were jw's.
i read on and found out i was right.
I concur, in-laws once threw my then 14 year old brother in law into a coat hook, and then was held down by that father as they whipped him with a belt until he was raw....all for "talking back."
These bastards had better hang....
today i found out that an old friend had da'd themselves because they were molested/raped by their parent-elder(this happened some time ago)....i thought that the person left just because...which is fine with me because i'm here on this website, and obviously not a dub.. it's just shocking how the pr unit of the dub army can control everything.
it makes me sick to my stomach.
and, of course, everyone has abandoned this person.
Today I found out that an old friend had DA'D themselves because they were molested/raped by their parent-elder(this happened some time ago)....I thought that the person left just because...which is fine with me because I'm here on this website, and obviously not a Dub.
It's just shocking how the PR unit of the Dub army can control everything. It makes me sick to my stomach.
And, of course, everyone has abandoned this person. This person attempted suicide as well.
We can't do a damn thing about it. I'm infuriated.
"You ever get lonely?."
"Only around people."
-Thin Red Line
interesting, red x's in the top corners of boxes are fascinating....
how about we get together and play some on-line games?.
yahoo has great card games.. or how about some chess.. .
I play Gunman computer's too slow for most games, though....I LOVE to game....
hello all, i think you will find this interesting:.
well the meeting took place and i have to say it had a few surprises.
one of the biggest surprises was that it was truly non-confrontational in every respect.
Good for you freeman, interesting....
in a recent post metatron and judith mentioned in passing that dubs they knew had been involved in satanic rituals.
forgive my morbid curiousity, but exactly what sorts of rituals were these?.
bear in mind that as dubs we were told that the rituals of the roman catholic church were satanic, that smurfs were satanic, that rock'n'roll was satanic, etc., etc.
Jesus, that makes me really sick.
ok all you ex's, be honest.
do you ever have that little voice pop in your head and say "what if - just what if they're right?".
it happens to me on occasion and i've been totally out for years.
Yes, sometimes. Then I just remind myself why I left....and feel much better.
has this site changed your stereotype viewpoint of people from other countries?.
it has me, almost as much as when i have visited foreign countries in person.
i have found the french to be friendly, the germans generous, the portuguese personable.
Aye, i agree.