I agree with many points you raised in your post. However, in your last paragraph, you stated that even one molested child is too much - that statement says it all.
When an organization proclaims to be different from the world and places itself above the standards of the world, then they should be held to that higher standard. You can't have it both ways. Either you are God's chosen people and have his approval or you don't, and you are just like every other religion.
I was raised as a Dub and I only know of 2 child molestation incidents, but think about how many other children were probably molested and was afraid to make an accusation against the congregation member because of either not being believed or becoming marked as someone who has had sexual relations before marriage, hence you are no longer a virgin.
I don't know if any one can make the claim that the borg has more molestation incidents than an other religion with true accuracy, how ever you can be sure that there are a lot more victims then we know about.