This has been such an interesting discussion and kind of helps explain my choice to continue with the religion. I had left the belief system when I was 14/15 but due to getting in with a not so good environment at school got my life in a bit of a mess. The religion was the only 'safe' place I could think to return to.
The meetings and the attitudes WERE a lot more liberal back then. I got married in 1977 and my husband grew a mustache that he kept until chemo got rid of it. I do remember one elder making some snide comment about men with facial hair never getting anywhere in the congregation not even realizing that my husband had one.......what an awkward moment that was. That was in the 80's so the tides were changing. Then through the 90's I grew increasing sad and depressed because as you pointed out, having come in in the 70's we all retained that mindset because it was more NATURAL and loving.
I do remember the James book and in fact, just before I finally called it quits with the JW's in 1999 I re-read that and attempted to read some of the other old study books. I was even rebuked for mentioning the James book by a pioneer sister. I had NO IDEA why or that it was attributed to Ray Franz. After I left I was given the old "you weren't studying enough" lecture by my Aunt on our final conversation before it bacame clear to her that I was an official 'apostate'. I replied back to her that it was exactly because I was studying so much that I left!" I didn't find out until a few years later on one of the ex-JW sites that the rank and file were actually being told not to read old literature. To me, as a born in 3rd generation JW that just seemed so wrong. If the literature was 'directed by holy spirit' back in the 60's and 70's or the Russel to Rutherford years for that matter, it STILL should have had some value to my way of thinking.
During the 80's I was a young mother of 4 little ones and spent a great deal of time in the 'mothers room' and although the talks were piped in you KNOW we all sat back there and talked LOL! I probably missed a few things but all in all, I was quite a 'studier' and I also took notes at all the assemblies in shorthand and could often get quiet a few word for word quotes written down. Those notes I 'noted' seemed to be the basis of the next years Watchtowers and TM meetings so I was also getting a lot.
By the late 90's I started seeing the similarity of the accounts of the Israelites being so much like the modern fundementalist Islamics and Sharia law. So.......that's when the complete mental fog finally started to lift and the scales fell of my eyes. Oh yeah.........the Internet helped immensely as well.
So again.......this topic makes so much sense to me. I think having you former elders and MS insights into things clears up so many of the things we R & F witnesses sensed but didn't know. I have kicked myself so many times for 'falling for it' for so long. This kind of explains what hooked us in the first place. Once hooked it IS very difficult to get unhooked.