we just need a happy ending like a big wedding...
(ok i admit it..i'm a grandma and a chronic matchmaker )
joy writes:
in brooklyn the same time you were there.
i'm no longer a witness.
we just need a happy ending like a big wedding...
(ok i admit it..i'm a grandma and a chronic matchmaker )
proof that animals are sentient, intelligent beings:
by bilen mesfin, associated press writer .
woodside, calif. - when koko the gorilla used the american sign language gesture for pain and pointed to her mouth, 12 specialists, including three dentists, sprang into action.
i'm jealous of a gorilla... she gets dental care and i dont lol
nah the number comes from a gov't study ... its the number of people that it would take to viably re populate the planet.
i watched the ending tonight and if they make a series of it (considering the ending) it'll be a good show!
the lyrics to the song "dust in the wind" say in part:.
same old song.
just a drop of water in and endless sea.
that kind of reflection is why one shouldnt listen to the doobie brothers when partakin of the doobie.
i didnt confront mortality till after leaving the jws. up till then i'd assumed i'd never die. sucks to be dust
one of the hardest doctrines of the witnesses that i couldn't wrap my little brain around, was the teaching that the resurrected would not marry.. i remember one assembly, a whole talk was spent on the resurrection, and emphasis was placed on the fact that they would not marry.
the couple sitting in front of me (obviously a happy couple, 'cause this distressed them) whispered how they just couldn't believe it.. here's the scripture they use to back their doctrine:.
matt 22:22-33 specifically vs 30 "for in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven...".
i kinda giggle over this subject... cuz as a young wife i was so in love with my husband that when i'd hear this topic discussed i KNEW i'd find a way to be his wife forever... now after being divorced from that jerk after 18 yrs of marriage i kinda think the thinking of not being married forever IS paradise lol!
a recent thread asked about the rapture teaching and i got to thinking about luke 17:34,35 and matt 24:40,41. it is generally agreed this was sourced from q. notice that luke and matt place the section including, "two women will be grinding at the hand mill one will be taken along the other left" in completely different settings.
matt slips it in the mini-apocalypse from mark 13 while luke separates it to another discussion and setting.
matt not only surrounds but interupts the q section (including lightning and vultures and noah reference) with markan material (matt 24.29-35).. .
thanks pete.. your post gave me more to think on ( not sure if thats a good thing lol)
i dont recall hearing the term as a jw.. and i've never been anything else.. but since i started reading online some i've seen that term mentioned in context of the great tribulation.
is it bible based?
is it called something else in the nwt?.
thanks pete..
i appreciate everyones input. thanks
two elders approached me yesterday afternoon while i was doing a bit of work on my car.
unsuccessful at reaching me in my home (mostly because i don't answer the doorbell when they come) they saw me outside and decided to stop to talk.
the conversation did not go especially well.
so many people in africa are victims of aids and really is a topic of its own. so i dont wanna highjack this thread about it.. just that so many have it, got it from their spouses, so many innocent victims, not hundreds but millions of babies born with it. the stats are mind boggling.
as to the elder visit. if the wtbs is going to be THE authority over jw's then they are going to have to rein in some of this hateful thinking of elders.
were it not for the witness view of marriage as an eternal bond how many witness couples would have gone their separate ways?
based on what i've personally seen i would say at least 75%.
i was shocked when my ex cheated on me how many people told me who's spouses had cheated and look how great their marriage is! what i saw was women who hated their spouses guts and only put a smile on their face at the hall.
i dont recall hearing the term as a jw.. and i've never been anything else.. but since i started reading online some i've seen that term mentioned in context of the great tribulation.
is it bible based?
is it called something else in the nwt?.
i used to know more than i do now.. the trauma i've been thru has pretty much destroyed a lot of memories. so forgive me for asking about stuff i should know.