1. Were you born into the religion, or did your family join later in your life? born into it.. great grandmother on down were witnesses.
2. Were you baptized, and if so, what was your main motivation for being baptized? baptized at 25 cuz ex dh insisted we get b'd together
3. Did you leave of your own accord, or were you disfellowshipped? faded away, got public reproof but not df'd
4. While you were in the religion, who would you have considered to be your support network? hindsight.. i didnt have one.
5. Did you have friends or family outside of the religion before you left?no
6. How significant was the role of religion and worship in your family's life? externally 100% important , internally important to myself and kids but ex was just for show
7. If you were re-instated, what was your main motivation for coming back to the religion? n/a
8. How did being raised in the religion affect you as a person? i assume everyone has authority over me and would always defer to ex. now i have a problem being around groups of people .
9. Have you joined another religion, or have you decided against any organized religious group? will not join any other religion however pray more and believe God knows my heart and Jesus is my judge not elders.
10. Once you left, were you able to maintain connections with friends and family within the religion? immediate family yes. extended family no.
JoinedPosts by candidlynuts
SOSC 125 (The Lucky Nun Returns)
by LuckyNun ini have chosen to study children (now adults) of jehovah's witnesses for my anthropology class.
it's a subject near and dear to my heart, as most of you know if you read my livejournal.. .
i would like to investigate how children who are raised in the jehovah's witness religion deal with loss of a support network if they leave.
Hello...I'm not dead yet !!!!
by Poztate ina few years ago,my father and my wife were talking religion at our house after we had invited him for dinner.. naturally .
however...they started to talk about my chances of making it in since i had rejected jehovah jesus wtbts.. in front of me...they came to the conclusion that i would likely be killed at "a" (soon).
i had to say ...hello... here i am...they were so engrossed in their little imaginary thoughts that they had forgotten i was there.. anyone else had something so sick happen to them????.
fella at our hall was df'd for shooting at some relatives that had just sliced his son up from neck to crotch in front of his grandmother(the df'ds mother)....
not long after the grandmother died from natural causes.. i heard from many loving caring (HA) witnesses that the poor woman died knowing her son was df'd and as good as dead himself and if he wasnt df'd she'd have lived longer. ( you know the kind of comment thats said to someone standing near the df'd person so they'll hear and maybe repent?)
he never faced criminal charges and 4 yrs later was reinstated . i always thought those comments were horrid
Give the JW experience a movie title:
by Preston ini've come up with a few (made up and real):.
- rebecca of bethel farms.
- cries and judiciary meetings.
if any are repeats my apologies.. i was laughing to hard to read correctly
how about.. bubba hovah ( bubbahotep)
or.. my stepmom is an apostate ( my stepmoms an alien)
or.. how to lose a family in 10 days ( how to lose a guy in 10 days)
alien vs presiding overseer
dub story ( love story)
the hours..(i never turned in)
Jehovah's Witnesses to Support Government
by zev inhttp://allafrica.com/stories/200408230759.html
i am such a good thread killer lol
Tonights the night
by SixofNine init's gonna be all right.
well peeps, i went to the kindom hall tonight, not to actually meet with the judicial comittee convened in my honor, but rather just to hand deliver a letter to the chairman of said comittee, telling them that they had "hurt my feelings by choosing to 'judge' me, when they hadn't even really seen me in about five years.
" *snif* also telling them to "lay off, man".. i really didn't know how to handle this situation, which i'd only first heard about 2 days ago.
phew.. you can exhale now. til the next round lol
sounds like you handled it well. hang in there
by codeblue inthere has been a recent thread where i was accused of being nodenial, or vice versa.. .
let me make this perfectly clear: we are married.
we share the same computer.
sounds like a good reason to go buy a spiffy new laptop and do some home networking lol
Jehovah's Witnesses to Support Government
by zev inhttp://allafrica.com/stories/200408230759.html
help me understand this..
the following talks about the JW's ........
JEHOVAH'S Witnesses will support the Government of the day while it remains neutral on political issues.
Speaking at the just ended three-day Lusaka district convention yesterday, convention spokesperson Joseph Kunda said the church would support certain policies of the current Government.
"The church will remain submissive to Government by paying taxes and will support certain policies but will not engage itself in politics," Mr Kunda said.
Mr Kunda said the church baptised 176 candidates where an 87-year old was the oldest and the youngest was 15 years
after this line the rest is about the United church of zambia? am i reading it right?
STUPID PEOPLE: can't kill em...What do you do with them?
by Terry ini'm afraid we all run into stupid people.
they can frustrate us; they can baffle us; they can make life miserable for us.
what do you do when you encounter one?
if i had a nickle for every stupid person i knew... i'd be rich enough to be out tonight not reading boards lol.
stupidest person.. myself for the stupid mistakes i've made but other than myself.. i'd have to say my ex mother in law..she wanted to plant french style green beans once... and also was convinced her car manual read in such a way that she was to go to the dealership to have the air in her tires changed.. she really makes your eyes roll lol
Feral elders
by SixofNine incame to my door this morning.
seems they want to clean up the books or somesuch.
they said that they had some serious "accusations" against me, and would be having an elders meeting (...."uh..uh...it's a judicial meeting" ) this wednesday evening.
first question i'd ask is if the CO is visiting.. thats the only time the elders from my former hall ever called.
i'd respectfully decline to meet till sept after the wedding. they love to ruin weddings. dont give them the ammunition to do it.
erm.. what witnesses can afford to eat somewhere that nice.. and my goodness the ladies are showing way too much skin!