i think about all the housework i should be doing.. makes me reaaaaaaaaaaaaaal sleepy lol
JoinedPosts by candidlynuts
What's your cure?
by Country Girl ini have terrible insomnia.
have had it most of my life.
love visiting with all you night owls in chat!!
JWs Live In Their Own Little World
by minimus inone thing i'm convinced of is that jws live in their own little bubble.
the world could be in chaos around them but not missing a meeting is what's most important.
children of jws could be going thru teenage trauma or even molestation, but are they getting their "time" in??
one of the last service meetings i attended we were counseled to not read newspapers or watch news so much and how biased they are and how they do stories to attack gods orginization since they are after all working for satan.. anyway it made me jump online and read every paper i could find. i was freaking isolated enough they werent taking NEWSPAPERS away from me for goodness sake!
(wonder if my being in west ky had anything to do with it ie:bill bowen news stories)
Head of the House or an Ayatollah?
by Englishman indo the jw's still have a belief in headship?
i'm talking about where the male is the head of the house.
his word is law, his wife is in subjection to him, his children are meant to sit and listen in awe to his every pronouncement.
my dad was the head of our home and it worked. because he and mother had a lot of respect for each other. mom spoke up when she wanted and he always listened. he had a mild temper and rarely if ever raised his voice. they worked together to raise the kids and he'd never make a life changing decision without taking everyone into consideration.we'd get a swat on the behind as little kids but dang once we were around 7 or 8 if we misbehaved we had a lecture or had to do chores..ICK! we had a happy home and 4 of 7 are still witnesses. i guess you could say 5 of seven cuz i'm not df'd. it was a shock though to all of us gals when we married "good" witness men and they turned out to be bull headed tyrants not having had the good raising we had . the boys all married and all of them are still married cuz they treat their wives and kids right.
(useing this opportunity to tell any young witness girls that may read here.. dont marry just to get out of the house or just to have sex. get out and build yourself a life and find out who you are. marrying the first bus that stops may not take you where you wanna go)
2 of us gals have divorced our "witless" husbands and are better off for it.
recently a young lady (early 20s) in our old home cong got married to a worldly boy she'd known all her life. a few of the more clueless bemoaned the fact that he wasnt a witness and at a family gathering i spoke up and said " look how good marrying a witness did for us gals, i think the kid is on to something" which got snickers of agreement from all of the lesser self righteous ones.
They Aren't Your Friends
by metatron inwhen i announced, at the c.o's meeting with the elders, that i was quiting and giving up, the brother who gave the prayer.
nearly burst into tears.. a couple months later, him and his wife pass us in the hall and hall and sit down in front of us: not a single glance or hello.
or hint of recognition.
none of my "friends" or elders came to visit me when i had my last child and almost bled to death.. they told me the first meeting i made back that they would have come but didnt want to run into my then df'd husband. (now my ex)
no witnesses that were aware of my situation after my divorced offered ANY help. when i was homeless and sleeping in my van in my works parking lot it was one of the "wicked worldly " friend who offered me a room in their home. which caused a flurry of conference calls from elders cuz the friend was male.. funny how quickly they act if they think your spreadin your legs. (which i wasnt)
nope.. didnt have any real friends . actually i can honestly say after a life time of being a jw.. i didnt have a clue what a real friend WAS till i was out . now i know what a friend is and even more important i know how to BE a friend . and it really has increased the quality of my life.
AWAKE! says JWs are "mentally ill" September 8,2004
by apocalypse inthat's right folks.
the awake september 8,2004 on page 21 has a box.
some warning signs of mental disorders
maybe they society has bought pharmaceutical stocks and publishing for people to get help will cause a rush on anti depressents and again they make mucho money!
i'm so smart sometimes i amaze myself lol
Happy 40th Birthday Ellderwho
by LittleToe init was predestined to occur, ya hyper-calvinistic ole dude.. the big 4 0 finally hit .
happy birthday!!.
and here's to many more, crossing theological swords with ya
hehe elderwho is older than me! happy birthday and remember life begins at 40.....so i hear.
The END is NIGH??
by Samdownunder ini watched a fascinating documentary tonight called "the corporation".
it exposed the development of big business in modern day and their greed and corruption of the world.
many of the scholars and experts conceded that by the year 2025, we truly would not have any water left to drink and they discussed the ruination of the rainforests and other important resources as well.
in recent years.. reading and watching history programs and books i've noticed that ALL thru history every generation thinks its living at the " end". why would now be any different?
one older lady who always wanted to go out in service and the pioneers looked for every excuse not to pick her up..... she would go to the doors and tell people they were goats. she's still alive and kickin near ninety and still likes to call people goats.
i have troll hair but not troll personality. too short to be combative .i'm chicken..anyone can kick my ass.
i have a new god! it is my digital cable
by doogie inman, my digital cable is unbelievable and i firmly believe that my cable box has divine power.. i have hbo and with the miraculous power of the digital cable you also get "hbo on demand" which is like a vcr in your cable box.
you can play/rewind/fast forward any movie or show hbo is currently showing that month whenever you want.. how did i go so long without it?
it is like water in a dry land.
ooo when we got on demand i spent 3 days watching all the episodes of the first season of dead like me and the L word on shotime. i hate watching series tv but it was great to watch them in sequence all at once .