JoinedPosts by Lynnie
JW's and the care of the elderly
by Lynnie ini've been df'd for 35 years and my uber pioneer mother is getting on in years, 84 to be exact and starting to have signs of dementia and the social worker is worried that she can't be left alone at all anymore.
she just had her second hip replaced and is in rehab.
my uber elder cousin is the power of attorney since my mom was told i couldn't be trusted since i'm df'd.
I've been df'd for 35 years and my uber pioneer mother is getting on in years, 84 to be exact and starting to have signs of dementia and the social worker is worried that she can't be left alone at all anymore. She just had her second hip replaced and is in rehab. My uber elder cousin is the power of attorney since my mom was told I couldn't be trusted since I'm df'd. My elder cousin is too busy organizing international conventions and bothering people door to door to pay attention to my mom's affairs and it's been discovered that she cancelled her long term care insurance a few years back for a reason we don't know. Probably thought it was a waste of money since Armaggedeon is coming tomorrow! So now it's been determined that she will need to go to a home of some sorts and I asked my cousin and his wife why JW"S don't have any facilities for the elderly and she said "oh we are too smart for that" Really? Oh I should also mention that he has a wealthy non witness father that is getting along in years but that person is getting the best care ever. Money talks! -
The WTBTS and Elders have too many stupid rules!
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini hated ministry book bags.i hated coming out of my home with the book bags looking like i was going to a,i starting going to the ministry school and sunday bible meetings holding only the required books for that day in my hand.. for the sunday meetings,i would just carry the song book,bible and watchtower magazine in my hand.
no book bag!
for the ministry school,i would just carry just what necessary for the evening.
Yeah here in Seattle the rules seem to be very flexible and it depends on who you are! I thought single men and women weren't supposed to socialize or travel together without a chaperone but here apparently it's okay if you are an elder's daughter and you want to go on an overnight backpacking trip with two other single women and a man. These folks are in their mid 30's. I know when I was in 35 years ago that would NOT have been allowed. But I wasn't an elder's daughter either. So as usual in the WTBTS it depends on who you are if you have to follow the rules or not!
Elders in Spain Steal Millions from Congregation
by cappytan inthese men are appointed by holy spirit,.
here is the source:
basically, if you don't know spanish, it boils down to this: (my personal editorial of what i've read).
Funny my cousin who's husband is a higher up at Bethel in "finance" or "purchasing" just made a visit to the Spanish Bethel, wondering if he was checking on things? HA! Yes our lovely holy spirit appointed elders, NOT! -
Who Benefits from the Multi-Billion Dollar Real Estate Empire that is WT?
by TTATTelder inthis thread is to formally address this subject.
this is for forum members and especially for lurkers (current witnesses reading this in secret).
please feel free to post any additional points.. there are a lot of changes happening in wt land.
My cousins (husband and wife) that are in the "purchasing" or "finance" dept seem to make out pretty well, they get flown all over the world checking in at the foreign branches and went to India for 6 weeks to check out possible outsourcing of printing. They seem to get many more vacations than any other Bethelites I've known. They are in the compound in Wallkill, have their own apartment and even a garden patch. Ahh life in the higher ranks of the WT is wonderful!!
OMG - January JW Broadcast - be sure to only talk to people who think like you
by bafh ini couldn't stand it.
it was so horrible.
they really want people to stay simple and obedient.
Funny I just heard through my family grapevine that my cousin is going back to school to get her teaching degree, she's a recently baptized witness (35 years) however was born in and never went for it until the last couple of years. So I think some witnesses aren't even listening and just doing whatever they want even though they are attending meetings and acting like good little witnesses! She posted that she was going to get a teaching degree, that's so interesting to me since witnesses are so anti-education. She seems to have a free pass however since her father is an elder and will bend over backwards for her no matter what! -
Campaign to Israel
by humanperson ini have been wanting to introduce myself but i don't know where to begin.
my husband and i are enjoying our third guilt-free weekend of our lives (both born-in, almost 30).
he has been out mentally for the last year and a half but patiently waited for me to come around.
I have an uber JW cousin that is applying to go to Israel and has her head so far up in the clouds she doesn't see any danger or threat, she's traveled all over as a single woman and had no problems so why should this be any different she says! Get a clue people! And yeah WTF do you have to apply to go, just go if you think Israel needs to be preached too so much! these people are unbelievable!
11 broadcasting studio
by Lynnie inapparently the very cool thing to do now is when you go to bethel you go and have your picture taken in the studio!
my uber elder cousin and his wife just did that back in ny.
it's probably not for everyone, my cousin's daughter and son in law are very "high up" in the org in "finance" and that's how they probably got to do it.
Apparently the very cool thing to do now is when you go to Bethel you go and have your picture taken in the studio! My uber elder cousin and his wife just did that back in NY. I couldn't believe it! It's probably not for everyone, my cousin's daughter and son in law are very "high up" in the org in "finance" and that's how they probably got to do it. Or they really do allow people to actually to have their picture taken in the sacred broadcasting studio?
Jehovah's Witnesses and "winter decorations"
by Lynnie inso how many jw's do you know that do "winter decorations" instead of "holiday decorations"?
i have a cousin that is upbaptized but very much on board with the jw's but somehow snowmen and pine boughs are okay to decorate the house as long as there is no tree.
have anyone of you heard or seent his practice?
So how many JW's do you know that do "winter decorations" instead of "holiday decorations"? I have a cousin that is upbaptized but very much on board with the JW's but somehow snowmen and pine boughs are okay to decorate the house as long as there is no tree. Have anyone of you heard or seent his practice? And the funny part is my other uber witness cousin is going to visit them and I'm sure NOTHING will be said! Really?
One day Circuit Assembly Review !!
by DATA-DOG init sucked!!.
so what's going on in the borg!?
what have you missed??
Funny I saw a pic on Instagram of my cousin who lives at Walkill bethel participating in Black Friday shopping. I guess it's okay for Bethelites! They are extra special after all!
Regional Building Committee - volunteers?
by Lynnie inso how do the regional building committee work?
i found out one of my female cousins (born in, left for many years and is now baptized) has filled out an application to "volunteer" on this committee.
what would she be doing since she's female?
So how do the Regional Building Committee work? I found out one of my female cousins (born in, left for many years and is now baptized) has filled out an application to "volunteer" on this committee. What would she be doing since she's female? Are these people applying to go back to Walkill and work or just locally?