Kenneson has my answer here~The Bible is the Word of God, but so are many other things. Never would I
consider the NWT of the Bible the Word of God, however, It is the twisted writing of men who thought they
had the power to change the Word of God.
do you believe the bible is the word of god?
i ask because i believe it's important for searching jws who come here to not only learn if there are christians here but also to hear from them personally what their thoughts on the bible are.
i believe the bible is the word of god, do other chriatians here also believe that?.
Kenneson has my answer here~The Bible is the Word of God, but so are many other things. Never would I
consider the NWT of the Bible the Word of God, however, It is the twisted writing of men who thought they
had the power to change the Word of God.
there were those baked cookies and baked pumpkin pies for a friend's tg dinner that i tried to do one night while drunk.
i turned on the timer and passed out, totally missing the timer.
the cookies looked like charcoal brickettes!
Ever forget and leave the little plastic bag with the yukky parts inside the bird? Yeah. I remembered about it after a couple of hours so I pulled the bird out of the oven, poked and prodded and out plopped the baggie. Kind of reminded me of giving birth! Ugh, not pretty.
i was raised as an on again off again (when convenient for flighty mom) jw.
i have recently decided due to the birth of a daughter that it was time to get it together and decide what to do with myself spiritually as she was going to church with her baptisit dad and i felt awful.
so, i've been using the reasoning book and reading the bible and trying to decide what's right.. spent hours looking at christmas online....saw it was traced to pagan celebrations and decided not to do it.
Congrats on coming to this Board emma! You already have found great answers and you will find yourself growing from this day on. Spirituality is a great thing, it is what I believe we all need to get us through the good and bad times. You are so do not need ANYONE controlling you in any direction. Take your time, pray, and with God's help, you will find your own way.
first of all, here's what the family's like.
my brother is by no means a jw.
he's incredibly happy that i never got involved in the religion.
I would give the girl a young person's Bible in any translation except the NWT. I would tell her that I am glad she is wanting to be a Christian, but to know God and be a Christian one does not have to give up celebrations or refuse blood or hand out magazines. She needs to hear from someone who can tell her w/out putting down JW's. Her mother could definitely be told the same thing.
our 8-year-old son, jackson, is exhibiting the following symptoms:.
* disorganized (unfortunately, this has kind of been since birth but more pronounced now).
* hard to concentrate.
I haven't read all the posts but would lean toward not saying it is ADD; probably more just his personality,and the meds. No doubt the coddling has molded him too, but that is fixable.
Do you encourage him to be creative? My daughter had the same "symptoms" but we were finally told it is just her creative personality...mind wandering, etc. Daydreaming. She never was the student that her older sibling was, but then again, she wasn't the same personality either. Limits definitely need to be set, beginning w. the computer games; then encourage him by reading something fun with you, together....having craft time...going outdoors to draw nature, etc.
my husband and i are coming up on our 7th wedding anniversary.
we were married as jdubs, left together and survived.
anyway, anyone have any gift suggestions?
Congratulations! I definitely Agree on Renewing the Vows NON JW style. How meaningful and special could that be? Then...the good part follows, renewing your Honeymoon
i'm becoming intrigued with dabbling on ebay.
i've made a bid for some goods and i'm waiting to see if i've "won".. any advice for a newbie ebay-er?.
buying, selling, whatever?.
It's a SMALL world! Here's my latest eBay story. I was looking for Nascar tickets for my husband for last week's Kansas City race. We live way on the other side, near Colorado. Well, I found a pair only about 100 miles from here, so I wrote the guy. Turns out he is one of my husband's best high school friends....was a groomsman at our wedding...and had been here at our house in August! We had no idea he was selling on eBay, or even that he had tickets!
Hey Walter, I am DAMN proud to know such an Evil person. God has blessed me by finding this board and knowing there are Evil people like you on this earth. THANKS for writing!
for me, it is "the day before you come" and sometimes when i am very lonely "fernando.
" what's yours ?
I LOVE Abba! Has anyone seen the musical, Mama Mia? Wish I lived somewhere
near where it was playing. I've heard it's Great. Thanks for the list, Blondie!
i had to go to a neighborhood kid's funeral today.
a 21 year old drug overdose, dropped off at the hospital by 3 scared punks that split.
an unidentified "john doe", clinically dead.
I'm Catholic. I know there are problems in the church, but I love the teachings, the Mass, the sacraments.
I have many, many friends and family who belong to other churches; I have attended many other services
and joined in prayer with all of them. It is what Jesus taught us to do.
I don't care what faith others follow, I am not to judge. We are all One in the Father.
But when my own brother died and his JW son, daughter and family stood inside the Catholic church near the door during the entire
service, my eyes were opened. What kind of Love is taught by this sad organization? Obviously, conditional & controlling.
The point they were making was...?....They loved their father, BUT...?? They loved us who were there, BUT?....Sad, Sad, Sad.