My most disellusioned monent was when 2 people who were not even fit to be brothers were nominated elders.
1 got removed 2-3 weeks later, the other took 5 years. Both were doing things that were hurting brothers.
Brother AB, not only borrowed $15k and never paid it back, but outright denied the loan from the brother
in which gave him all he had. This disillusionment came more clear when I had a day off from work, and
decided to go see his son (since they worked together and we got somewhat along), well since they were going to make a delivery
to the shore, I agreed to tag along. Well the way brother AB treated his (minum wage) help was outright tyrannical. He screamed and
honked his horn with all his might as they wanted to get a sandwich in a quick mart! He was hitting the horn in the truck
so much and hard that it broke by not stopping to honk and thus he ripped the steering cap and slammed his brakes in the
highway and ripped out the horn wires!
What an elder he was? Well the moral of the story was that he was doing this before and after the Holy Spirit nominated him!
What a crock!