I found a book that might be of interest to everyone. It is academic and it told me exactly what I wanted to know. Cofty's book is great but it focuses on why the Earth is 4.5 billion years old (and it is something that the Watchtower agrees with), not on why mankind is more than 6000 years old (which is a major teaching point for the Watchtower).
The interesting thing is that there are over 40 different dating methods, and they overlap in the times that can be dated... so there are, for every time period in the Quaternary, multiple methods of dating an artifact. The book is very detailed, but just by reading a bit of it (and other websites), we find that C14 dating usually errs on the side of dating something too young, not too old.
The Watchtower needs to kill any confidence in the dating of artifacts because it just cannot accept that the Bible is wrong on the chronology of mankind.