=( I am crying!
So sad!!
May she rest in peace.
update on mouthy (grace gough)this is graces granddaughter.
i wanted to send an update that today my beautiful grandmother passed away - surrounded by friends and family.
- may 22 1927 - sept 2nd 2016. mouthys_granddaughter.
=( I am crying!
So sad!!
May she rest in peace.
for the world, michael jackson's death was the death of an insanely well known person.. in latin america, juan gabriel was like our michael jackson, he was that well known.. generations of people all over latin america knew his songs.
you heard his songs when you broke up with someone and went to the bar, you heard his songs in karaoke, you heard his songs every saturday when your grandma played music loudly and she only had the one cassette and it was his.... i hadn't cried for the death of an artist before, but today i did.. there are sooo many memories, both good and bad, in mine and hundreds of millions of people, in which he was a part.. mexico and all of latin america is in pain right now.. may he rest in peace..
Are you Latin American, Island Man?
It would be really impressive to me that you have never heard any single Juan Gabriel song in your life. He wrote more than 1800 songs, just one of his albums sold 8 million records (most sold album in Mexico's history), he's the inspiration for Marc Anthony and many other Latin American singers....
Have you been hiding under a rock for the past 30 years or something?
i'm thinking in emigrating... i feel like i'm stuck here in chile, and going likely to canada (i have my aunt and cousins there, full citizens) is like a real option by now.... i feel like i'm stuck and that in a best scenario i will be starting at the bottom of the pit, with about 75.000 (usd) in university debt (from 3 different sources) that won't go away easy, broken family, unstable relations with my mother, i think that i've almost got over the jw issue, but the consequences on my life being a born in are severe.... this saturday will be my second appointment with the therapist, i'm trying to figure out how to put things in order by now, my due date is december, to make any decisions... i finished almost to 5th year of dentistry, roughly 2 years remained but couldn't handle the family struggle, suicide attempts, getting out the wt, 4 house moves in 3 years, my father not paying a nickel for the university... i supported my mother to my own detriment, she's coming out of borderline personality disorder and i think she's a lot better but im tired... .
...as i'm "almost" a dentist i work from time to time with some patients (friends, ex-univsity patients), i've done a lot of crowns, surgeries, fillings etc to earn some money at my brother in-law clinic)... but i got kicked out of university for failing to complete some clinical requirements because of lack of patients in the previous courses, i just hadn't the force to try harder... studying was clearly not a priority by then, and as i used to be a good student just didn't know all the rules about failing courses... well that is, i just wanted to vent a little....
I am so sorry. Life can be shit sometimes. My recommendation is to just take things a day at a time and try to do something small each day to solve your problems.
Abrazo, amigo!!
for the world, michael jackson's death was the death of an insanely well known person.. in latin america, juan gabriel was like our michael jackson, he was that well known.. generations of people all over latin america knew his songs.
you heard his songs when you broke up with someone and went to the bar, you heard his songs in karaoke, you heard his songs every saturday when your grandma played music loudly and she only had the one cassette and it was his.... i hadn't cried for the death of an artist before, but today i did.. there are sooo many memories, both good and bad, in mine and hundreds of millions of people, in which he was a part.. mexico and all of latin america is in pain right now.. may he rest in peace..
For example, this song, Querida, bringd back so many memories!!
I sang it once with a girl I really liked when I was a JW. We made a good duet!! Not to brag, but I do hit the high notes!!
for the world, michael jackson's death was the death of an insanely well known person.. in latin america, juan gabriel was like our michael jackson, he was that well known.. generations of people all over latin america knew his songs.
you heard his songs when you broke up with someone and went to the bar, you heard his songs in karaoke, you heard his songs every saturday when your grandma played music loudly and she only had the one cassette and it was his.... i hadn't cried for the death of an artist before, but today i did.. there are sooo many memories, both good and bad, in mine and hundreds of millions of people, in which he was a part.. mexico and all of latin america is in pain right now.. may he rest in peace..
for the world, michael jackson's death was the death of an insanely well known person.. in latin america, juan gabriel was like our michael jackson, he was that well known.. generations of people all over latin america knew his songs.
you heard his songs when you broke up with someone and went to the bar, you heard his songs in karaoke, you heard his songs every saturday when your grandma played music loudly and she only had the one cassette and it was his.... i hadn't cried for the death of an artist before, but today i did.. there are sooo many memories, both good and bad, in mine and hundreds of millions of people, in which he was a part.. mexico and all of latin america is in pain right now.. may he rest in peace..
For the world, Michael Jackson's death was the death of an insanely well known person.
In Latin America, Juan Gabriel was like our Michael Jackson, he was that well known.
Generations of people all over Latin America knew his songs. You heard his songs when you broke up with someone and went to the bar, you heard his songs in Karaoke, you heard his songs every Saturday when your grandma played music loudly and she only had the one cassette and it was his...
I hadn't cried for the death of an artist before, but today I did.
There are sooo many memories, both good and bad, in mine and hundreds of millions of people, in which he was a part.
Mexico and all of Latin America is in pain right now.
May he rest in peace.
aaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
I realized i had to slave off my beard".Interesting. What does "slaving off" a beard mean? = P
well here's the thing... my brother-in-law needed some marketing boost for his dental clinic (i'm a dental student by now, her sister, my girlfriend, also), so i designed some brochures and today they were ready at the print studio.. i told him... "look, i spent 20 years in that cult, they have a very boring message, and they still managed to achieve 7m or more adepts, so i will distribute this brochures in the area this way: just like in field service, drawing some territories and "preaching" block by block... just to know were and when our advertising is being delivered".
so i started preaching the "dental good news", it was so easy compared to field service!!!
everyone were very receptive in the clinic's neighbourhood (it's in a downtown area in santiago, cl).
Mandrake, help me get more footage of Kingdom Halls in Chile with the flag this September 18th!
something tells me these two groups will never agree.
Something tells me these two groups will never agree. lol
just a quick postcard.
sorry, no pix.
got in late monday afternoon.
Hey! I live in Maz! If you are ever here, contact me!