??? wat.
This is not the religion I left a couple of years ago.
never a jw.
an hour ago i went to bid good bye my two brothers in law and their wives (all elders/elderettes).
??? wat.
This is not the religion I left a couple of years ago.
my friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94j3lmqx_w&feature=youtu.be.
Simonsays, you're an idiot. There were no jw org signs in 2009. This video was taken a couple of days ago.
my friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94j3lmqx_w&feature=youtu.be.
Peru also has the same law. But it is not as followed. Almost everyone from Chile will tell you that the KH's put the flag, but not many from Peru. But some KH's in Peru do put the flag.
is there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
my friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94j3lmqx_w&feature=youtu.be.
Does anyone walk by the flag on the KHs and salute it? Any uniformed soldiers for example?You never know. But technically, by the definition of the 2002 Watchtower, they're being "asked" to "hold it so that others can salute"... so... yeah.
my friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94j3lmqx_w&feature=youtu.be.
(Leviticus 26:1) 26 “‘YOU must not make valueless gods for yourselves, and YOU must not set up a carved image or a sacred pillar for yourselves, and YOU must not put a stone as a showpiece in YOUR land in order to bow down toward it; for I am Jehovah YOUR God.
*** w02 9/15 p. 24 “Salvation Belongs to Jehovah” ***Suppose one is not asked to salute the flag but merely to hold it, either in a parade or in a classroom or elsewhere, so that others can salute. Rather than ‘fleeing from idolatry,’ as commanded in the Scriptures, this would actually mean being at the very center of the ceremony.my friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94j3lmqx_w&feature=youtu.be.
hat's from the Branch correspondence guidelines? Where can I get a copy of thatNever mind... got it!
my friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94j3lmqx_w&feature=youtu.be.
Wait, what? the last scan... that's from the Branch correspondence guidelines? Where can I get a copy of that document?
how do i turn off the formatting when i use the quote button?.
when i want to start a new paragraph and can't get out of the quote section?.
that made it worse, help!
Press the paragraph button ... to the right of the quote button.That doesn't seem to help, Simon. What I do is go on HTML view and start a new paragraph after the "blockquote".
my friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b94j3lmqx_w&feature=youtu.be.
My friends,
What has become now a yearly tradition for me: Getting the videos/photos of the flag in Chile for their national holidays.
This is the 2016 version, I believe the clearest example yet: