poopie, why are you so full of poopie?
That's not really the intent of the letter.
that desire not to be shunned whether or not they want to be jw again is not the point for some they just do not want to be shunned any more there are sick of being shunned it's disgusting.
no human should be treated like they do not exist it's eviil..
poopie, why are you so full of poopie?
That's not really the intent of the letter.
there is already a translation of jwfacts to spanish, it is www.verdadtj.comwondering if anyone here speaks english and portuguese and knows html and would like to start the translation of jwfacts to portuguese?.
There is already a translation of JWFacts to Spanish, it is www.verdadtj.com
Wondering if anyone here speaks English and Portuguese and knows HTML and would like to start the translation of jwfacts to Portuguese?
last night i told my mom my true feelings on the organization and what i've learned so far.
it all started from a conversation, we need to go visit the new headquarters.
my mom has been studying and just recently became an unbaptized publisher in the spanish cong.
Hi Confused,
Did you know that there is a jwfacts in Spanish? It might help you if you need to show things in Spanish to your mom. It is www.verdadtj.com
This is the English version of the article "Helping Someone Leave":
Here is the Spanish version:
partial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
Only the US makes it easy,Crazyguy was saying the US is easy to immigrate to. WRONG. It's one of the toughest countries in the world to immigrate legally...
Canada is easier but still a long and expensive process, and Mexico is a LOT easier, relatively cheap and fast.
Although it is true that every country will have its own laws as to immigration, Mexico's laws are very easy to meet, and yet, there are thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants to Mexico, usually from Central America, trying to reach the US. Some decide to stay here illegally, but the Mexican government has sometimes provided amnesty, for example, read this:
I think that you're comparing apples to oranges, or at least not you Hecce, but certainly the comments on the full article are.
And saying that Mexico's standards of immigration are higher than the US is a preposterous notion. Can't be further from the truth!
Even comparing illegal US immigration to illegal Mexican immigration, it is much easier to get a job, to cross the Mexico-Guatemala border, to get medical care, to literally just come here on a visa and overstay for years and years... much easier to do that in Mexico than in the US.
I know these things because I've seen them... I have always followed the law and done things like I am supposed to do them, but I know that it is possible, and that it actually happens, and that it is extremely easy, to circumvent the laws in Mexico.
If you want to solve the problem of illegal immigration in the US, be pragmatic about it and actually think about ways to solve the two biggest issues: people overstaying their visas, and employers hiring illegal immigrants.
partial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
Even the thing you posted... 20 DAYS... 30 DAYS... It's a hassle, maybe, to get the paperwork in, but not YEARS or DECADES...
Plenty of reputable sources state that getting a green card takes YEARS.
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i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
None of what you posted, Hecce, changes things.
Still millions of times harder to get legal status in the U.S.
partial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
cha ching,
There are various types of visas and temporary residence status you can get. There is a status where you receive all of your money from foreign sources (I work for a Canadian company but remotely). This is perfect for the Mexican Government because I spend virtually all of my income here and not a single Mexican job is threatened.
However, given that the argument in this thread is about U.S. immigration and U.S. immigrants "taking U.S. jobs", I will say this: It's just slightly but not too much harder to get a temporary residence that allows you to work in Mexico. I know because years ago I had to change my status to that kind and I got work as a photographer.
I insist: it's very easy to legally work as a foreigner in Mexico. It's one of the hardest things in the world to do the same in the U.S.
partial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
I can't believe some of you who are saying that legally immigrating to the U.S. is easy. Are you kidding me? True, the U.S. does have a huge illegal immigration problem, but they sure don't make it easy to cross either legally or illegally.
Let's compare U.S. to Mexico and U.S. to Canada borders:
US to Mexico:
US to Canada:
Let's compare getting a Mexican temporary/permanent residence:
You start the process in a Mexican consulate, get a special visa, you buy a ticket to Mexico, you get to Mexico and have that special visa stamped, then you go to the nearest INM office, then you do some more paperwork, pay some fees, and two weeks later you got it. From beginning to end, maybe 2 months tops...
To getting a US green card:
(I've never done the process but there are plenty of reports online that show it's an extremely expensive and slow process that may take up to decades).
Again, while I DO AGREE that the US does have a huge illegal immigration problem, the comparison of immigration to Mexico and the US and making it seem like Mexico's process is hard and the U.S. is "too easy" is the most preposterous and stupid thing I have read in a long time.
The U.S. should make it WAY HARDER for people to overstay their visas. That's what needs to be done.
partial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
This article is complete utter bullshit. Compared to legally immigrating to the US or Canada, getting a legal permanent residence in Mexico is RIDICULOUSLY easy. I know because I am a Canadian who has a legal temporary residence in Mexico (which automatically turns permanent after 4 years). Follow the rules, pay the fees, wait, get it. That easy.
If it was as easy to legally immigrate to the U.S. as it was to Mexico, surely like 99% of illegal immigration to the U.S. would be gone.
I love this country and I actually like that there is a high military presence. There's a saying in Mexico: "El que no debe no paga"... "The one who owes nothing pays nothing"... same thing applies. Every single government official/police officer / military who I have dealt with has always treated me respectfully.
if you have a friend who only speaks spanish, or they speak english but spanish is their preferred language, i am pleased to tell you that there is a spanish translation of jwfacts in progress.
so far, these are the completely translated articles:asociación de la watchtower con las naciones unidas - un ngo associationcelebración de los cumpleaños - birthdayslas transfusiones de sangre - bloodpredicción fallida de 1975 - 1975¿por qué está mal el ser un testigo de jehová?
- what's wrong with being a jw?escándalos de la watchtower - watchtower scandalsexpulsión y rechazo - disfellowshippingfolleto general acerca de la watchtower - pdf - general pdf about wtvideo - crecer como testigo de jehová - growing up a jw¿debería estar jehová en el nuevo testamento?
Two new articles:
Adoración de Jesús (Worship of Jesus)
Código Da Vinci (The Da Vinci Code)