When you think about it is it such a big deal ? According to Rom.13 ,Christians are to be in subjection to the superior authorities ,the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.That's one way of looking at it. But, for the Watchtower, putting up the flag in the Kingdom Hall is absolutely wrong according to their own standards. Here's why:
And displaying a flag should no more be a problem than standing for a judge in a court of law .
Its just a matter of showing respect for the office in question.
*** w87 6/1 pp. 21-22 ‘My Cup Has Been Full’ *** I must confess that it came somewhat as a surprise to us that our children took a stand in school as they did. Of course, we had taught them respect for the country and the flag, and we had also taught them God’s commandments about not bowing down to images and idols.
*** w76 3/15 p. 184 par. 8 Reconciliation Through God’s Mercy Before Har–Magedon ***In modern times, opposition to worshiping anything idolatrous was demonstrated by the remnant of spiritual Israelites, whom Jehovah used his Messiah Jesus to release from Babylon the Great in 1919 C.E. They have striven to render exclusive devotion to Jehovah as their God, even to the extent of refusing to salute the flag of any nation. (Ex. 20:1-6; 2 Cor. 6:15 through 7:1) They just will not contaminate themselves with anything that looks like Baal worship.
*** w76 11/1 p. 655 Insight on the News ***The Flag—“A Living Thing?”● Rules governing the use of the American flag have been revised for the first time in thirty-four years. The new legislation affects when the flag may be displayed and its authorized location on automobiles; it also deletes the hand-over-heart salute requirement for women. The revised code also adds: “The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing.”If the flag is officially considered to be “a living thing,” can it be said that Christians who respectfully decline to join in the flag ceremony are unreasonable in citing as their basis the Bible’s command to “flee from idolatry”? (1 Cor. 10:14) Author Whitney Smith, director of the Flag Research Center and considered America’s top expert on flags, advocates flying and saluting the flag. Yet even he recently admitted that “we’ve turned the flag into a civil religion.”
*** w74 1/15 p. 62 Questions From Readers ***It should be kept in mind that a national flag is more than a piece of cloth. It is officially viewed as a sacred symbol of a nation and is treated with reverence. When worn out, for example, the national practice often rules that the flag is not to be disposed of unceremoniously, but is to be ‘destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.’ There are also regulations governing the hoisting, lowering, folding, flying and displaying of flags. Saluting or pledging allegiance to the flag is considered as a reverent act, an act of sacred devotion, and since the flag is an image of the State, such an act constitutes a form of idolatry.—Compare Exodus 20:4-6; 1 John 5:21.While not discouraging others from saluting the flag of any nation, Jehovah’s Christian witnesses feel that they can give such worship only to Jehovah God. They have due respect for the flag of their respective countries, but for them to idolize the flag of any nation and engage in acts of worship to an image of the State would be an act of unfaithfulness toward God and disloyalty toward the kingdom of God’s Son.
Etc etc... there are plenty more quotes like that.
The flag is considered to be an idol.
Would the witnesses accept to "just place" or "just display" a Virgin Mary statue in the Kingdom Hall if it was a law? Wouldn't every single witness say it's definitely a case of "obeying God rather than men", and would be glad to pay the fine?