The vitriol coming out of some people...
I would have been EXACTLY in the same position as him, the only difference is, that I had
1) an engineering degree - my parents were very liberal regarding that, they would NOT let their son NOT have a degree.
2) relatives that just happened to live in the same city where I was.
When I was DF'd, I had a job and a place to stay. But imagine I hadn't... or had a job with witnesses, or didn't have a career, didn't have relatives in my city that I could stay with.
I never became an elder, but if I had become one... I would have been like this person. A man-child who was 25 and never had left home.
Yet now I am living on my own, have an amazing job, I have new friends... I live 5 blocks from the beach in sunny Mexico...
My life has gotten infinitely better after leaving the witnesses.
But at the moment when I was about to be DF'd, I was scared sh!tless.