I don't need the book myself per se, I know the WT is false. I am just asking about the book because I have a page on Facebook with over 5000 followers now of exJW's who speak Spanish, and they have asked me a couple of times for the book in Spanish. In English, the book is available in libraries, or you can purchase it from a few places at a relatively high cost. Fine. But in Spanish, and surely in other languages, there is literally not a single legal copy available anywhere, every page that seems to have it says "sold out", "no longer in print", etc.
I am respecting Deborah's wishes and the law, and so I am even discouraging the sharing of the PDF...
I am not trying to be a jerk, just trying to know what's going on. I believe I did send an email to them and never got a reply, I will check my mailbox.
I sincerely hope that the issue will be resolved soon. I'd love to point out to the legal purchase outlet of the book in Spanish and other languages.