Hi Orphan Crow,
It is appalling how bad the Mexican news system is. Literally an "Onion-like" article went even into the "mainstream" media.
I run an exJW page on Facebook for Hispanics and of course this news was interesting. So I called the Senate, they told me that no one can know what will be discussed in the Senate previous to it being discussed unless you actually know the Senator who will introduce the bill and he lets you in on it.
I called the "mainstream" newspaper that ran the story and the reporter REFUSED to give me any information regarding source... none of the names of the people mentioned in the story checked out, also.
(I.E. that "minister of religious matters" is nonexistent).
Then I called a couple of other newspapers to see if they knew anything and they said they got the story from the first newspaper I called.
Zero investigative journalism.