(Leviticus 26:1) 26 “‘YOU must not make valueless gods for yourselves, and YOU must not set up a carved image or a sacred pillar for yourselves, and YOU must not put a stone as a showpiece in YOUR land in order to bow down toward it; for I am Jehovah YOUR God.
*** w02 9/15 p. 24 “Salvation Belongs to Jehovah” ***Suppose one is not asked to salute the flag but merely to hold it, either in a parade or in a classroom or elsewhere, so that others can salute. Rather than ‘fleeing from idolatry,’ as commanded in the Scriptures, this would actually mean being at the very center of the ceremony.It is splitting hairs.
If the law requires you to put a flag... that's ok. If the law requires you to hold a flag... that's not ok. If the law requires you to somehow participate in the ceremony... that's not ok. If you want to wear your national team's colors on a jersey... not ok...