JoinedPosts by ILoveTTATT2
Welcome President Pence!
by Wasanelder Once incan we expect legal problems for trump to cripple his authority?
remember that trump u. is still pending as well as multiple accusations of groping.
there is that one case of the woman claiming he raped her at 13. wow america, you really know how to pick'em.
No impeachment is gonna happen... Trump is the Republican candidate and the house is Republican! -
This should make most reasonable people stop believing in the Bible as infallible
by ILoveTTATT2 ini think that few parts of the bible can make you atheist or at least agnostic or at least kill your belief in the bible as infallible or the work of a loving god as comparing 2 samuel 24 with 1 chronicles 21. most people focus on the 1st verse, but there are at least 4 major and 1 minor contradiction in the chapter (they are parallel accounts).in the new world translation, 2 samuel 24 starts like this:.
24 and again the anger of jehovah came to be hot against israel, when one incited david against them, saying: “go, take a count of israel and judah.” .
notice that it is an impersonal "one" who incited david to do the census.
Cool Yahoo question Island Man!!
There are some in my FB page that are debating over the 50 silver / 600 gold question. I don't buy their explanations. But even if I did, they'd have to explain the others in that chapter, and even if they did that, they'd have to explain thousands more contradictions!
This should make most reasonable people stop believing in the Bible as infallible
by ILoveTTATT2 ini think that few parts of the bible can make you atheist or at least agnostic or at least kill your belief in the bible as infallible or the work of a loving god as comparing 2 samuel 24 with 1 chronicles 21. most people focus on the 1st verse, but there are at least 4 major and 1 minor contradiction in the chapter (they are parallel accounts).in the new world translation, 2 samuel 24 starts like this:.
24 and again the anger of jehovah came to be hot against israel, when one incited david against them, saying: “go, take a count of israel and judah.” .
notice that it is an impersonal "one" who incited david to do the census.
I think that few parts of the Bible can make you atheist or at least agnostic or at least kill your belief in the Bible as infallible or the work of a loving God as comparing 2 Samuel 24 with 1 Chronicles 21. Most people focus on the 1st verse, but there are at least 4 major and 1 minor contradiction in the chapter (they are parallel accounts).
In the New World Translation, 2 Samuel 24 starts like this:24 And again the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel, when one incited David against them, saying: “Go, take a count of Israel and Judah.”
Notice that it is an impersonal "one" who incited David to do the census. Other Bibles make it clear that it was Jehovah (YHWH) who incited David to make the census.
The American Standard version says:
24 And again the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them, saying, Go, number Israel and Judah.
When we look at the parallel account, which is 1 Chronicles 21, we see that it says:
21 And Satan proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David to number Israel.
WHAT? Was it Satan, or was it Jehovah that incited David to number Israel?
That should be a major red flag, and countless Bible commentators have tried to explain away this contradiction.
But that is not the only contradiction in the 1-chapter account.In the account, Joab tries to stop the census, but David insists. He goes all around Israel and presents the census results to David:
(2 Samuel 24:9) 9 Jo′ab now gave the number of the registration of the people to the king; and Israel amounted to eight hundred thousand valiant men drawing sword, and the men of Judah were five hundred thousand men.
(1 Chronicles 21:5) 5 Jo′ab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel amounted to a million one hundred thousand men drawing sword, and Judah four hundred and seventy thousand men drawing sword.
So there are three hundred thousand people missing in one, and 30 thousand in another!2 contradictions in the same 1-chapter account.
David feels bad for having done the census, and Jehovah sends his prophet Gad to punish David (by punishing Israel), and gives him three options:
(2 Samuel 24:13) 13 Accordingly Gad came in to David and told him and said to him: “Should there come to you seven years of famine in your land, or three months of your fleeing before your adversaries, with them pursuing you, or the occurring of three days of pestilence in your land? Now know and see what I shall reply to the One sending me.”
(1 Chronicles 21:11, 12) 11 Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: “This is what Jehovah has said, ‘Take your pick, 12 whether for three years there is to be a famine; or for three months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land, with Jehovah’s angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.’ And now see what I should reply to the One sending me.”Three years or seven years? Apparently Gad had a lot of wax in his ears and couldn't understand if Jehovah said 7 or 3. But that's ok, because David chose three days of pestilence. Jehovah kills 70 thousand people, none of which includes David, who was the one that made the mistake. David feels really bad for having others killed because of his mistake, which Jehovah/Satan incited him to do, and he asks Jehovah to stop the plague and punish him and his household. Jehovah listens, and tells David to kill some animals... in sacrifice... so he can stop killing humans. Now, David must go and buy a piece of land and build an altar.
(2 Samuel 24:18) 18 Later Gad came in to David on that day and said to him: “Go up, set up for Jehovah an altar on the threshing floor of A·rau′nah the Jeb′u·site.”
(1 Chronicles 21:18) 18 And Jehovah’s angel, for his part, said to Gad to say to David that David should go up to erect an altar to Jehovah on the threshing floor of Or′nan the Jeb′u·site.
Araunah... Ornan... same thing. Just make sure it's a Jebusite.So David proceeds to try and purchase the land from Araunah... one of them... and the owner says to David it's free. David insists, he wants to purchase it. So he pulls out his checkbook and writes a check to... one of them... for the sum of...
(2 Samuel 24:24) 24 However, the king said to A·rau′nah: “No, but without fail I shall buy it from you for a price; and I shall not offer up to Jehovah my God burnt sacrifices without cost.” Accordingly David bought the threshing floor and the cattle for fifty silver shekels.
(1 Chronicles 21:24, 25) 24 However, King David said to Or′nan: “No, but without fail I shall make the purchase for the money in full, because I shall not carry what is yours to Jehovah to offer up burnt sacrifices without cost.” 25 So David gave Or′nan for the place gold shekels to the weight of six hundred.
50..600... gold... silver... it don't matter. Just tiny details, right?
Even if there weren't all these contradictions, let's see how it portrays God:
He makes someone do something he doesn't like, and then kills 70 thousand people because the guy did what he incited him to do. Then he asks this guy to kill animals so he can stop killing people.
Satan makes a guy do something that Jehovah doesn't like. Jehovah punishes, not the guy, but 70 thousand people. Then he asks this guy to kill animals so he can stop killing people.
Whether you look at the contradictions or the lesson of the story, the Bible is a disgusting book which CANNOT be the work of a loving God, and it is most certainly not infallible.
What do you think? -
Christadelphians the closest to JW?
by ab.ortega ini am curious as to what current religion is similar in beliefs and organization to jw's.
i've only come as far as christadelphians.
are there any others you know of?.
I am deeply ashamed that I didn't accept evolution until a few years ago...
by ILoveTTATT2 inso... i live in mexico and i am helping with an esl class (english as a second language).
actually, i am helping with two classes.
i get two days a week in which i just stand there and have a debate with the class, encouraging as many as possible to just talk... in english.. anyways, i like talking about subjects that generate debate.
Anyways... so I taught the class some basics of evolution and some proofs of common descent such as endogenous retroviruses.
It was really cool! One person who doubted evolution ended up thanking me for the info! I gotta thank Cofty!! -
I am deeply ashamed that I didn't accept evolution until a few years ago...
by ILoveTTATT2 inso... i live in mexico and i am helping with an esl class (english as a second language).
actually, i am helping with two classes.
i get two days a week in which i just stand there and have a debate with the class, encouraging as many as possible to just talk... in english.. anyways, i like talking about subjects that generate debate.
You rock Cofty! Thanks!!
I am deeply ashamed that I didn't accept evolution until a few years ago...
by ILoveTTATT2 inso... i live in mexico and i am helping with an esl class (english as a second language).
actually, i am helping with two classes.
i get two days a week in which i just stand there and have a debate with the class, encouraging as many as possible to just talk... in english.. anyways, i like talking about subjects that generate debate.
Thankfully, I stumbled one day onto jwfacts and the rest is history...
Also thankfully, I want to lead an evidence-based life. As soon as I knew the WT was bullshit, I rejected it. As soon as I knew the Bible also was... I rejected it. As soon as I knew that evolution was true... I accepted it.
I wish that I had stumbled upon this info earlier... =( -
Spanish Forum is being shut down
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently the spanish forum,, is being shut down coming's pretty sad.
there is still so much work to do to help people in latin america and spain come out of this cult!.
It's really sad, because of the sheer amount of information that was there... I am glad I downloaded a lot of the documents I needed for my activism!
Spanish Forum is being shut down
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently the spanish forum,, is being shut down coming's pretty sad.
there is still so much work to do to help people in latin america and spain come out of this cult!.
Hi sp74bb, what about the copy that Jose had???
Spanish Forum is being shut down
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently the spanish forum,, is being shut down coming's pretty sad.
there is still so much work to do to help people in latin america and spain come out of this cult!.
I'm a bit confused now, is it actually officially closing down through planned choice or has it simply crashed / experiencing temporary technical issues?
Hi Simon,
If it's the latter then I'm not interested in taking advantage of someone else's issues to effectively go into competition with them.
Is someone definitely in contact with the owners of the site about the plans for it?
The owner of the site placed a post a couple of days ago saying that it was no joke, that they were dead serious, they were shutting down the forum come December.
I think that it crashed because many users tried to download the entire forum all at once. I am not technical but that is my hunch.
I don't have a direct contact with the forum owners, but at least as of the last moment before it crashed, it was going to be shut down.