Hi SBF, yes, I did read it. I dislike it because you are moving the goalposts.I wonder if you've read my response to Laika on page 9 on the subject of corruption of the text. One response to a corrupt text is to say it can't be inspired. But another possible possible response is to say that God has restored it in his due time. I'm not making a strong argument for this view. What I'm saying is that it's a possible way of looking at the situation for those who maintain both the divine name and the inspiration of the text.
Believers can move the goalposts all they like and it pisses me off. I like to work with what is in evidence, but I will indulge the believer's point of view for a moment.
If the believers' point of view is true, then my response would be "then God is an asshole."
He makes the text, then allows it to be corrupt, then chooses one group out of thousands of others and makes them say false prophecies, and interpret the Bible wrongly regarding blood, needlessly shortening thousands of people's lives... BUT... BUT He makes them pull "Jehovah" out of thin air and place it EXACTLY where it's supposed to go in the NT of the NWT... 237 places. Completely out of thin air, because He allowed all autographs to be lost and EVERY SINGLE COPY SINCE has had "Jehovah" removed and the copies with "Jehovah" have never been found.
And He expects you to believe that this group is the one and true religion, and condemns you to eternal nothingness/horribly painful death because you didn't believe in this one group.
Seriously dude? Seriously?