250 dead so far =(
Including 21 children in a school that came down...
2 earthquakes in less than a month.... witnesses are going to have a field day with this... bounce back from that decline.....
250 dead so far =(
Including 21 children in a school that came down...
2 earthquakes in less than a month.... witnesses are going to have a field day with this... bounce back from that decline.....
2 earthquakes in less than a month...
Witnesses are going to have a field day with this... Bounce back from that decline....
so i looked up the 2016 numbers and the top 25 countries:.
united states.
Oops. I think I messed up with the data. I grabbed the peak pubs instead of the average pubs...
so i looked up the 2016 numbers and the top 25 countries:.
united states.
Hi George,
My figures are the average growth percent from 2010-2016.
I did the following calculations:
Publishers in 2016 / Publishers in 2010 = Ratio
(Ratio^ (1/6) - 1) *100 = Percent increase per year from 2010 to 2016
This evens out really good and really bad years.
so i looked up the 2016 numbers and the top 25 countries:.
united states.
So I looked up the 2016 numbers and the top 25 countries:
United States |
Mexico |
Brazil |
Nigeria |
Italy |
Congo, Dem. Republic of (Zaire, Belgian Congo) |
Japan |
Philippines |
Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) |
Russia |
Colombia |
Germany |
Argentina |
Venezuela |
Ukraine |
Britain |
Ghana (Gold Coast) |
France |
Peru |
Angola |
Poland |
Canada |
Spain |
Korea, Republic of |
South Africa |
Germany |
Spain |
Japan |
Poland |
Ukraine |
Colombia |
Brazil |
South Africa |
Peru |
Nigeria |
Russia |
Argentina |
France |
Italy |
Korea, Republic of |
United States |
Angola : 7.56% |
Congo, Dem. Republic of (Zaire, Belgian Congo): 4.75% |
Ghana (Gold Coast): 3.51% |
Venezuela: 3.16% |
Mexico: 2.96% |
Philippines: 2.76% |
Zambia (Northern Rhodesia): 2.235 |
In logarithmic scale, here are the top 25 countries:
As you can see, the top three countries are USA, Mexico and Brazil. USA had its golden years from 1950-1990, and from 1990-2016 has not done so well. Brazil and Mexico exploded in the 1980's... The ones to watch out for are Nigeria (although it's slowing down), the Congo, and Angola.
Angola is exploding right now...
Possibly in 10-20 years the African countries will be around 500 thousand, and Mexico and Brazil might reach the U.S. numbers.
What do you think?
hi everyone,.
for an incredible amount of topics (vaccinations, worship of jesus, among others), the 1954 bound volume of the watchtower in spanish would be incredibly valuable to me.. does anyone have a scan of it or could send/sell it to me?.
please let me know.. thanks!.
Anyone has had any luck? It's actually 1953 and 1954 which I am looking for...
mexico is by far the country where the witnesses have had the most success in the entire world.
almost any statistic except the total amount of witnesses shows that mexico is where the witnesses have had the wildest success in the world.proportional to population, the witnesses in mexico are double, or nearly triple, what they are in the us or brazil.but there is "trouble in paradise".
if mexico falls, pretty much the whole watchtower falls.which is why it is so important to have jwfacts translated to spanish.i made an analysis and things are looking bad in mexico... if trends continue, mexico will become just like the 1st-world countries.here is the first graph:maximum publisher % increase:.
Economist article on JWs in Mexico - 5 years old now , but still relevant:It might be the law of diminishing returns... but they managed to get crazy numbers in the 80's... even with hundreds of thousands of witnesses there were still thousands coming in... I really think that there are other factors that have slowed down the work. The Economist article is cute... talks about two states and thinks that the situation applies to the rest of Mexico... hahaha
Maybe any relative decline is just the law of diminishing returns. Only a small percentage of people will ever be attracted into a religion like JWs ( which , let's face it , if you weren't brought up into it & brainwashed as a child , very few people would be interested ). As the Economist article indicates , JWs are competing with Pentecostal groups , Mormons etc for the basic recruits ( mainly ex-Catholics). Many of these competing religions are more attractive in terms of lifestyle etc.
mexico is by far the country where the witnesses have had the most success in the entire world.
almost any statistic except the total amount of witnesses shows that mexico is where the witnesses have had the wildest success in the world.proportional to population, the witnesses in mexico are double, or nearly triple, what they are in the us or brazil.but there is "trouble in paradise".
if mexico falls, pretty much the whole watchtower falls.which is why it is so important to have jwfacts translated to spanish.i made an analysis and things are looking bad in mexico... if trends continue, mexico will become just like the 1st-world countries.here is the first graph:maximum publisher % increase:.
Maybe in membership numbers, that is sort of true. However, Watchtower is essentially a business, and that means wealthy USA with its 1.2 million is by far the most important "Land". That being said, the borg is proportionaly more of a blight on the people of Mexico than virtually any country in the world.Your comment is correct. In membership numbers, the numbers are pretty much driven, worldwide, by what happens in Mexico. Answer to 1st question: Yes, Mexico is becoming more secular, AND it's also becoming less Catholic. People are becoming agnostic/atheist or they're going to non-catholic groups. Answer to 2nd question: I don't know that yet, but I have statistical data from 2000 and 2010 from the Mexican Government. I will check it out.
First question: I was wondering whether Mexico becoming any less overwhelmingly Catholic, which may partially explain the flattening growth. My reason for asking is that I have noticed that the borg's success in any particular country seems to be directly proportional to how "Christian" a country is. Countries where there is a high proportion of the polulation professing Christianity seem to have the most JWs. Countries where the proportion of Christians are dropping seem to have had lower JW growth.
Second question: Does anyone know if JWs in Mexico are getting older on average (as statistical data shows they are in Aust and USA)?
mexico is by far the country where the witnesses have had the most success in the entire world.
almost any statistic except the total amount of witnesses shows that mexico is where the witnesses have had the wildest success in the world.proportional to population, the witnesses in mexico are double, or nearly triple, what they are in the us or brazil.but there is "trouble in paradise".
if mexico falls, pretty much the whole watchtower falls.which is why it is so important to have jwfacts translated to spanish.i made an analysis and things are looking bad in mexico... if trends continue, mexico will become just like the 1st-world countries.here is the first graph:maximum publisher % increase:.
Then a lot of brothers from Spanish congs moved to English congs, the problem was that those who moved were not the best brothers of Spanish congs: undesirable ones, rich, faders, naughty ones, double life, etc. English congs were labeled as debauchees congs by Spanish congs. Also, a lot of problems raised between elders of Spanish congs and English congs, because the way of doing and following the Org procedures (English brothers are more attached to the procedures and more liberal than Spanish ones).Hammer Head: Meet nail. So true. Everything in this paragraph is so true.
A lot of my waking up happened because of a super liberal elder...
mexico is by far the country where the witnesses have had the most success in the entire world.
almost any statistic except the total amount of witnesses shows that mexico is where the witnesses have had the wildest success in the world.proportional to population, the witnesses in mexico are double, or nearly triple, what they are in the us or brazil.but there is "trouble in paradise".
if mexico falls, pretty much the whole watchtower falls.which is why it is so important to have jwfacts translated to spanish.i made an analysis and things are looking bad in mexico... if trends continue, mexico will become just like the 1st-world countries.here is the first graph:maximum publisher % increase:.
However this graph shows how wildly successful the Watchtower has been in Mexico:
They've grown 100x in 60 years, and 1000x in 70 years: