If I lived in a border town, and violence began to spill over into my neighborhood and gangs began to threaten my family, and the government is taking years to figure it out, and the local police force is practically useless, I wouldn't be worried about "smarter".
I am relieved that you aren't worried about 'smarter...'
So your only worried about Mexican gangs? Or is it the hundreds of vicious violent canadian gangs that have your titties in a twist? Here's an idea shut off fox "news" for a second so you can hear me. Are they still talking about that guy that ONE guy who got killed on the jet ski and then the ONE police officer who got killed several weeks later while investigating? Ok we had 2 people shot last night in my city and two the night before three weeks ago we had a cop car get shot up. We lose on average one "person" every other day to violent crime and we are a fairly small city. I put person in quotes because I don't consider gangbangers of any nationality to be human.
Maybe you should stop worrying so much about those horrible Mexicans and start worrying about the homegrown gangs? I expect to see you driving through downtown Jacksonville indiscriminately spraying bullets at random #$%$ers any day now...
God really? I read this entire thread, no wonder the US sounds like a bunch of fucking hillbillies to the rest of the world. Yes we have heavily armed criminals do you know how they GOT armed? Most of them are armed with stolen firearms. You get a machine gun, you do have to leave it home (unless you are going to a political rally then of COURSE you take it) but most workplaces forbid them so if you bring them they get left in your car or you leave them in your house so when the bad guys break into either the car OR house now they have a new gun, or a PILE of new guns! What fun! So you think we should be able to own machine guns ok in 6 months now we have criminals running around armed with machine guns as well. Oh and FYI when a mugger goes to 'work' he does NOT leave his machine gun home. Just saying...
And quite frankly the idea that you are going to fight the US army, well it's kind of stupid. And if you're going to be a resistance fighter well why don't you look at history and see who was more successful the resistance fighters who ran around out in the woods with machine guns or those who used single shot small pistols they could hide and walk right up to enemy leaders with? I think the french resistance from WW2 could give you an answer to that question. Or ANY assassin, when was the last time an assassin cut down a leader with an AK-47? Can do it, they SEE you coming. You want to fantasies and beat off while imagining yourself in Red Dawn well when you finish you can cum on a fake gun it feels just the same and won't ruin the finish on the weapon.
Machine guns are good for one thing, spraying bullets on a battle field or into an indiscriminate crowd at your local McDonald's. There is NO reason NONE to own a machine gun.