This just keeps going doesn't it!
Well Apostate is against the Witnesses its not just atheism or
something, or folks with legitimate questions. Its like the other party
in a divorce, just trying to make trouble.
and my reply again
There is a HUGE difference between an apostate and someone who is trying to make trouble...
Main Entry: apos·ta·sy
Pronunciation: &-'päs-t&-sE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -sies
Etymology: Middle English apostasie, from Late Latin apostasia, from Greek, literally, revolt, from aphistasthai to revolt, from apo- + histasthai to stand -- more at STAND
1 : renunciation of a religious faith
2 : abandonment of a previous loyalty
so some wack job that you meet in service who says "I have a tape for you" isn't an apostate they had to be part of the religion first!
What makes you think that "true apostates" care what you think? The "apostates" who approach you around assembly halls and try to contact JW's out of the phone book and stuff THEY ARE WACK JOBS they want you to come join their "church of the almighty potato" they couldn't sway anyone with a brains faith it's idiotic!
The majority of the people who have brains (I'd like to think that includes me) can REASON their way out of the WBTS all by themselves all you have to do is pick up a bible and look at what it says for about five minutes and you realize it's nonsense!!!! They are the one's the organization is scared of because it's easy to see the holes in JW beliefs, but the REALITY is that these people (the one's with brains) aren't (for the most part) trying to drag people out!
I want you to be happy in your beliefs! That?s why I don't try to change them! I don't try to change ANYONE'S beliefs! I just want you to ACCEPT that I don't belief what you do and offer me the same level of respect I offer you and leave me alone about it!!! If you insist on talking about religion you will FORCE me to take a stand that I DON'T WANT TO TAKE!!!! Why can't you just leave me alone about it!