I HATE, I mean HATE tattoos on women's breast. What a waste of fine real estate.
Tattoos on the lower back are really sexy. Actually anything on the back is ok. But don't screw up the boobs. PLEASE...
ok time to be brutally honest.. what do guys think of women with tattoo's.
first thing that jumps into your head.. reason i ask is i'm getting my first one next week and was wondering what the general concensus is.. i am definately sure about doing it.
thought about it for years and it took me 6 months to find the design i wanted.
I HATE, I mean HATE tattoos on women's breast. What a waste of fine real estate.
Tattoos on the lower back are really sexy. Actually anything on the back is ok. But don't screw up the boobs. PLEASE...
http://www.cnn.com/2004/world/meast/06/18/saudi.kidnap/index.html report: u.s. hostage beheaded al arabiya says new video shows killing
friday, june 18, 2004 posted: 1:38 pm edt (1738 gmt) .
(cnn) -- an arabic tv news network said friday that american hostage paul johnson jr. has been beheaded by his saudi captors.
What ... to legitimise your own extremist actions?I think this shows some true motives. You care little about people and everything about your own ideology.
I wouldn't have extremist actions in mind if those extremist didn't exist. Life was just dandy before Sept 11.
I do care a lot about my ideology. It's pretty damn right-on. It's based in fact. And the facts are I don't have to wish for a nuke attack, because it's already pretty likely it's going to happen. I'm just trying to hurry the process along, so we can stop having these back and forth debates and start getting on with the process of defeating Radical Islam.
So if you think about it, I care a lot about people, especially poor liberals who think they're great humanists who are making a difference in the world. I'm just trying to make them realize what they're setting themselves and others up for, and that's death to everyone in the West. I think having one city nuked to bring this point finally hope could be a positive thing, in as much as Pearl Harbor united america. Both are tragedys, but they served a positive end result.
Sad huh?
tmo commented on reading books which gave different views on why under the crisis of conscience thread.
all i've ever known is the jw view.
that he is giving satan time to prove mankind cant lead themselves.. what are other views?
Brain states or healthy brains are instuments that allow us to navigate the moral minefield of free fill. Unfortunately, a mentally unbalanced person isn't so adept at doing this. Are they responsible for their crimes? Not sure. It is because of their malfunctioning brains. .
I look at healthy brain as an instrument for implementing free will, not the other way around.
tmo commented on reading books which gave different views on why under the crisis of conscience thread.
all i've ever known is the jw view.
that he is giving satan time to prove mankind cant lead themselves.. what are other views?
so he permits wickedness in order to give us free will?free will is another subject........
Yes. We wouldn't be truly free to do whatever we wanted without the possibility that if we want to we can commit acts of evil. Free will is inherently tied to God permitting evil.
Karma is an eastern thing. I'm basically stating what Eastern philosophy says concerning evil. It is the result of free will and momentum of bad actions in previous lives and in the one you are currently in.
if you could go back to the time when jesus was on earth, and you could actually talk to him, what would you ask him?.
would you have followed him, knowing that the end was thousands of years away?
I'd say if you're going to pass me some bread put some f**king yeast in it first. And where's the p & j?
tmo commented on reading books which gave different views on why under the crisis of conscience thread.
all i've ever known is the jw view.
that he is giving satan time to prove mankind cant lead themselves.. what are other views?
It's real simple.
In order for us to truly have free will, God has to allow the possibility that a person exercising their own free will could commit evil/wickedness. It's not that he likes it, but you can't have one without the other. If we were all only allowed to do good, then in effect we are not free to exercise all of our will completely.
It's an unfortunate by-product. The only saving grace is that our inherrent and god's inherrent nature is always good, and that is what all beings are at their core. It's the perversion of free will that destroys that in individual souls and others.
Karma is the momentum of bad or good actions. It is not evil or good in and of itself. Just momentum generated by free will being enacted.
I think this explanation makes more sense than a testing period of satan. If anything, Satan and evil could represent the negative consequences of man's free will.
i recently bought his new cd "you are the quarry".
i was a bit disapointed that there was no case with it...just in card board sleeve...i guess he is cheap in his old age hahah.. it is a pretty decent album...he sounds the same as he did when i first started listening to him in the early 90s....i saw his video for "irish blood, english heart" and was shocked...he has aged!!!
how dare he look his age..he looks good, still handsome...but not the hottie he was when i was 20....sigh.
Wow. "Hairdresser on Fire" is my favorite Morrisey song. Funny you like it too. I love the chorus:
"You're just too busy, busy busy, busy clippers...". I love the fact he tied in the clippers with the song. Yeah that is a beautiful song.
Here are my top Fav Morrisey songs:
Every Song on "Viva Hate" (note: Morrisey has said he doesn't particuarly love this album)
Love Life
We hate it when our friends become succesful
November spawned a monster
There is a light that never goes out
Girlfriend in a coma
That joke isn't funny anymore
Last night I dreamt somebody loved me
i recently bought his new cd "you are the quarry".
i was a bit disapointed that there was no case with it...just in card board sleeve...i guess he is cheap in his old age hahah.. it is a pretty decent album...he sounds the same as he did when i first started listening to him in the early 90s....i saw his video for "irish blood, english heart" and was shocked...he has aged!!!
how dare he look his age..he looks good, still handsome...but not the hottie he was when i was 20....sigh.
People always say he's depressing but his music is more inspiring than anything. He takes depressing situations and with his wit and introspection turns them into triumphs. Most people can't figure that out because most people don't have the depth it takes to understand it. That's why we're constantly bombarded by the Britney Spears and Nsyncs of the world, because most people are too dumb to know they deserve better music.
Mozz made pop that was on par with reading a good novel. No one else has done that.
why do some guys feel the need to have sex with their ex-girlfriends?
is this a common thing?
how many of you guys did or do this?.
It's mainly because he's horny and he knows there is no leg work involved, like getting to know you first or spending money on a date, etc. The groundwork has already been laid, he just has to ask the question, that's it. Easy p**sy. I've done it before too.
I guess it also depends on what the other girl isn't doing for him. I'm assuming everyone does oral but if she isn't then i'd be talking to you too. If it's an anal thing, my god, any girl who does that would permanently be in my black book. Those are pretty rare. So of course he's wanting it.
i recently bought his new cd "you are the quarry".
i was a bit disapointed that there was no case with it...just in card board sleeve...i guess he is cheap in his old age hahah.. it is a pretty decent album...he sounds the same as he did when i first started listening to him in the early 90s....i saw his video for "irish blood, english heart" and was shocked...he has aged!!!
how dare he look his age..he looks good, still handsome...but not the hottie he was when i was 20....sigh.
He's the first singer to ever make pop music literary. His wit is incredible. Johnny Mar was a great guitarist, but even without him Morrisey still shines. For people who complain he just isn't as good without the Smiths backing him up, they simply need to spend a little more time with him. I admit I didn't like it at first, but it grows on you with time.
I've seen him 3 times, and gave him my t-shirt once. He's my Elvis.
Lollapalooza this year had him as a headlining act, but the tour was cancelled. Heaven knows I'm miserable now.
As far as looking old goes, he's still quite handsome, he just shouldn't flail too much on stage. He's too sophisticated looking for that now.