*** w78 4/15 pp. 6-7 The True Religion?How to Identify It ***
10 When we mention the Bible, is your reaction, ?Well, most all persons who accept the Bible believe, fundamentally, the same thing?? Many feel that way. However, that is definitely not the case. As with the engineer in West Berlin, millions of sincere, intelligent persons who have examined this vital issue of true worship know that there are vast differences between the teachings and the practices of various religions claiming to be based on the Bible. And, frankly, there are also vast differences between most of these religions and the Bible itself. These differences can involve your entire approach to life and religion. As we examine a few basic and vital points, analyze your own religion or beliefs. Ask yourself, ?Am I personally seeking true worship?? And if you see that in some ways your beliefs or practices are at variance with true religion, think seriously about what you will do.
11 The possible need to adjust our beliefs or conduct should not surprise anyone familiar with the Bible. For instance, Jesus Christ said, regarding some very religious persons of his day, ?the worship they offer is worthless; the doctrines they teach are only human regulations.? (Matt. 15:9, JB) Nor is it just a matter of doctrine. Jesus? half brother James wrote: ?Faith is dead if it is separated from good deeds? and ?Nobody must imagine that he is religious while he still goes on deceiving himself and not keeping control over his tongue; anyone who does this has the wrong idea of religion.??Jas. 2:26; 1:26, JB.
*** w89 5/15 pp. 27-28 The Land of the Pepper Bird Hears the ?New Song? ***
Emmanuel adjusted his affairs so that he could care for his large family and share in the full-time pioneer work in Gardnersville. He met Varney and Lucinda and started a home Bible study with them. However, they believed it was a sin for a person to change his religion. Emmanuel showed them what the book Reasoning From the Scriptures says on the subject . They borrowed the book, read other material in it, and started attending Christian meetings. Shortly thereafter, they took up the Christian ministry. Meanwhile, their landlord?a clergyman?noted the change in their conduct and invited them to use his sitting room for their Bible study. After attending a district convention, the landlord was convinced that he had found the truth and requested a Bible study of his own.
*** w82 2/1 pp. 4-5 Modern Christianity?How Much Is Genuine? ***
Today hundreds of millions of people use the Christian ?label? or ?signature.? Maybe you are one of them. But how can you tell if you are a genuine Christian, the real thing? First, check your conduct and beliefs against the Bible record of the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles. Next, examine how early Christians applied those teachings. Thirdly, analyze your own form of religion to see if it fits the mold that Christ set. Now ask yourself, Is my religion genuine Christianity? Do I practice it?
*** yb97 pp. 50-51 Africa ***
Stella, a university student in Nigeria, was searching for the truth. After a few years as a Pentecostal, she thought she had found the right religion. She decided to write a book to show that all other religions are false. However, as she made a list of the prominent religions around her, she realized that she did not know much about Jehovah?s Witnesses. ?I?ll attend their meetings for three months to find out about them,? she said to herself. That weekend, she went to a circuit assembly. By the end of the program, she began to have doubts about her own religion. The following week she was at the local Kingdom Hall. She also read as many Witness publications as she could find. After her third meeting, she approached one of the congregation elders and said: ?Brother, baptize me. I am now one of you.? The brother explained that there were things she had to know before she could be baptized. He then gave her a book to study. Stella read it in two days and then went back to the elder and said: ?I have finished the book, brother. Baptize me.? The elder arranged for a sister to study with her, and a few months later, Stella did get baptized.
For those who were born to JW families:
*** g90 3/22 p. 25 Should I Get Baptized? ***
Yes, religion can be a feeble force, indeed, when it has been imposed upon a youth by his parents. A study made of a group of Catholic juvenile delinquents further illustrates this. Half of them attended church. Most knew the basic doctrines of their faith. And almost 90 percent of them did not approve of stealing. Yet, over two thirds were thieves! Observed the book The Adolescent: ?One reason may be that the boys? religious commitment was marginal. All were born Catholics; their initial commitment was made for them by their parents. Their religion was not their own.?