have a good one e-man - see ya when u get back
i've been thinking about doing this for almost a year now.. ever since i left i have wanted to go back.. my wife is coming with me too.. it's not just me either, 4 of my closest friends are coming to take a look.. i really do like the people too.. so, it's almost time for me to say goodbye.. because this sunday i shall be going.. i'm off on holiday to madeira again!!!
but i'll be back in about 10 days, so goodbye until then.. keep bashing the wt!
have a good one e-man - see ya when u get back
it means that within relatively few years we will witness the fulfillment of the remaining prophecies that have to do with the "time of the end.".
the lead article "the finest work on earth" in the october 1967 km (p. 1) continued the theme of preaching with a sense of urgency:.
the sense of urgency was effective in getting some students to make a decision.
hi alan - thanks for the post - superb work
guess it's true what they say about hindsight being 20/20
and regrets being cheaper by the dozen
things have gotten desperate in the us for the borg.
they lowered the hours required by the pioneers to 70 and there was this little surge in the number of pioneers and yet there was a negative "increase" in this country.
so...desperate times call for desperate measures.
you know i really cant read that wtbts crap anymore without my head hurting from it
this is my farewell message.
i just want to say thanks to the number of people who i have spoken to and share stories with, i thought i was the only one who left for the reasons i did but i have met many and they have strenghened me in my life course now, basically i had never looked up witnesses before and was thinking about returning to the borg when i found this site, you all made me see that it would be like going backwards.
i feel strong now and will be not returning to this site, mainly as i want to let the past stay in the past, wts is the past and while i keep re-hashing it it will always affect my life.. thanks all.
hey nogs - take me with u
when my son came home from the meeting, he told me that they were told not to listen to eminem because (in his words) he's bad.. i can not stomach the kind of censorship that is put upon people...aren't these things a personal choice or at least a parents choice.
by censoring everything they make a child go behind their parents back and close the line of communcation which could result in some real harm.
i listened to eminem with my son and whilst some of the things are very offensive it was quite clear to me that although he was talking in the first person, he was actually expressing what he thought societal problems were,(no one think bob marley actually son the sheriff do they??).
the problem is that most people aren't smart enough to seperate the message from the messenger
works of art - much the same as dreams - are non moralistic in the way we are accustomed in the day to day world
things have gotten desperate in the us for the borg.
they lowered the hours required by the pioneers to 70 and there was this little surge in the number of pioneers and yet there was a negative "increase" in this country.
so...desperate times call for desperate measures.
but dubs
they might get the truth!
i was out doing some street preaching one day - with this pioneer bro - a wtbts zealot - anyway - where we lived at the time - was just about the very inner city - lots of bums and general riff raff on the streets
and we were working this long main drag inner city street - home to countless hobo's and bums
i knew this guy was a count time wasting time type -
and that the first incoherent bum he saw was gonna cop this months presentation and more
hell i just wanted to get to the nearest coffee shop
so i said to him - "i'm not preaching to any bums on this street"
in reply he says to me "so you're deciding who gets life now?"
(excuse me while i vomit)
and so i said straight back to him
things have gotten desperate in the us for the borg.
they lowered the hours required by the pioneers to 70 and there was this little surge in the number of pioneers and yet there was a negative "increase" in this country.
so...desperate times call for desperate measures.
hey dubs - ah - haven't u heard - they give it to themselves
love your stuff dubs your one of my fave writers here
i thought the name of this thread was so on time for this thread demostrates one of the sad things about claiming to speak for god, when one actually does not.. when i was a newly appointed elder at the tender age of 27 .
i was introduced to the world of the judical committee.. it was in fact my first case.
i had gotten a call from the po before the meeting stating that their would be an elders meetings to discuss some judical matters.
kimberely - my reason for not responding
i gotta thing about big black sisters
mmm yummy
all this talk about whether door to door work is fruitful or not has really got me thinking.. so i was wondering, (a) how many jw's or ex's here were actually converted on the door, and (b) how many jw's or ex's here ever obtained a convert on the door?.
i made 2 converts whilst a jw, but 1 was the son of an interested person, the other was a wayward son of a weak sister so i get a zero.. my dad worked at london heathrow as an air traffic controller, he got 6 other controllers to join up, so if you're arriving in the uk, don't fly apostasy airways!
for all his frequent bouts of vac pioneering, i don't think that he ever pulled a live one off the doors, so he gets a zero too.. my mum was quite a puller in her time but they were all friends of friends who came to sit in on bible studies etc, so, sorry mater, you get a zero also.. as a matter of fact, i'm wondering if the door to door work isn't completely pointless!.
As a matter of fact, I'm wondering if the door to door work isn't completely pointless!
dunno e-man - maybe not pointless - lets just say
actively achieving nothing
e-man u are very
this still makes me angry.
the stupidity of this saying.
"but they might get the truth".
guys - thinking back
this still makes me angry
the stupidity of this saying
"but they might get the truth"
a waste of time mostly used to count time
i remember one night at the hall - it was a mid week meeting - the service meeting had just started and as was my usual custom i was in the back row catching up on some much needed shut eye
(the service meeting of course being the perfect soundtrack to this scenario)
next thing u know i'm being rudely awoken by the commotion of a rolling pissed drunk hobo sliding into the vacant seat beside me
the fact that he smelt like a urinal was beside the point i guess
i thought to myself, "what the fuck?"
and looked over at the two bros minding the door - "friends" of mine in a bro kind of way - who had let this guy in
i looked at these door bro's as if to say "what the fuck's did u let him in here for?"
but they just kind of ignored me
anyway the meeting progressed - no way i was gonna get back to sleep - then this guy starts yelling stuff out - u know - drunken nonsense - coz he'd noticed everyone else in the hall doing it i suppose
i'm thinking to myself - they've gotta throw this guy out - surely? - and continued to look over at the door bros from time to time - with a "are u guys crazy - throw him out" look on my face
but all they did was come over to the guy and ask him if he could keep it down a tad
i dunno why i didnt get up and go sit somewhere else - maybe the hall was really packed - i cant recall
the drunk ended up leaving before the meeting finished - from boredom
i think
so the meeting finished and i went over to talk to the door bro's
asking - you know - "are u guys stupid why did u let him in?"
the answer
"but he might get the truth"
i dont know how many times i was out countin time wastin time with a witness who would insist on preaching to a non communable person (be that for what ever reason - intoxication, senility, foriegn language etc) and yet the person i was with would persist - under angelic direction no doubt - to preach to the person
"because they might get the truth"
this sorta stuff was jw urban legend at it's finest imo
ps "they might get the truth " can also be substituted for the phrase " they may be a sheeplike person" whenever