If god is the perfect designer as the bible claims he is, then he created humans to be the way we are? Some may argue that man caused our own problems when Adam and Eve sinned.
I believe that god made this "cake" so to speak, and he wanted things to be as they are. If I add eggs, flour, water, sugar, etc, and then add heat to this mixture, I know I would end up with a cake. God would have known all things before he created them. He created satan knowing what he would do. He created adam and eve knowing what they would do. Then he adds the final frosting to the "cake" the tree of knowledge of good and bad. If you believe the bibles account of the first two humans on earth, you have to admit it was a set up. God baked this cake, this is his baby! I truly believe god wanted things to be the way they are or he would not have created it that way. God had a choice, I don't see why people blame the product for the designer's error.
Then again maybe gods not perfect and we were truly made in his image!
This brings up one other question, if god planted the tree of knowledge of good and bad, then he must have been the creator of sin. How could a perfect god know sin before the fall of mankind?
(formerly of the jackass class)