Meggidon555,In this kind of science if the equations balance, we test them in the real world and if the results conform to the mathematical modal we consider it proven. In the M theory, the equations balance but there is no way to make an observation. So the theory is as it is presented, just as it is, an equation that seems to work. What there is to rebel against i don't see, Math is not a matter of egos. Where do you think the hostility you feel towards scientists stems from? We are taught one world perspective and when we feel that reality threatened there must be a reaction. but where does that come from, who taught it to us, for what purpose?
so by sticking a zero into the equasion and timming your equasion by it by that is balance and passes for mathematical science these days. sounds like cheating and beside last time I remeber wasn't the abomb putting math to the test did that go over well in fact did not einstien asking a was it really a good thing they proved and it is still theory e=mc2