That was really good! Very funny!
Brooke WI
the inventor of the harley davidson motorcycle corporation, arther davidson, died and went to heaven.
at the gates, st peter told arthur, "since you've been a good man and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can hang out with anyone you want in heaven.
arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, "i want to hang out with god.
That was really good! Very funny!
Brooke WI
ok, so here's the situation.
i am 24 yrs old.
married and have 1 child.
I too am 24 and I have 2 children! My husband and I feel away from the truth. Not together he was first! I pushed and pushed thinking this was the truth and I too want to give my kids the chance to live forever. However, I learned the whole truth! Remember why you Dissasociated yourself in the first place. What was that reason?
I say follow your heart and give your child and yourself every chance in what life has to offer. I too need to read a few things by Ray Franz I think it will help me know that what I am doing is right. I am keeping my kids from those that lie, cheat, ruin lives of families, shun, and hide the truth...etc...I am sick of it. I want my kids to be happy and that's why I am leaving. I do not want to raise my kids in fear of men! I don't want them to grow up under man made laws!
Brooke WI
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!
I wish you all the happiness in the world!
Brooke WI!!!!!!!!!!
i'm sure i would not have taken blood or given permission to my child if she "needed" it.
my, my, how things have changed!
I was strongly against the whole blood issue! My brother who was at the age of 15 had a tumor growing inside his head and that was back in 93' and he did not take any blood....he could have died many times through out the whole surgery! I am so thankful he didn't.
Now my son even though it is a minor surgery of a Hernia and he is just over a year old will be having surgery on Jan 17 2005 and when we were signing papers we put down if there is a need for blood give it to him. I know it is a minor surgery (and most likely will not need it) but I think it is a major step with us and choosing the right to live our own lives.
Brooke WI
i have to ask- what's a gallon of gas where you live?
i just talked to my folks in socal and they said it was around $2.25 per gallon for regular unleaded.. i just noticed today gas hit $1.59 p/g (northern colorado) at sam's club!!
what's up it was $1.99 just a few weeks ago?
We were at $2.10 now we went down to $1.79 thank god I can afford porn again...kidding!
Brooke WI
i will say:i don't need the watchtower magazine because i already know what it says: since i'm an apostate, wicked slave class worldly person and don't beleive the new light from the governing body of the faithful and discrete slave class, i will be buzzard meat at armageddon very soon now, unless there is more new light about it not being as soon as predicted, like so many times before.
ken p.
I will say "No, thanks I am full!"
Brooke WI
just a little diversion.
1. while sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.. .
2. now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.
I keep trying to make it work!
It's funny how the mind works and how it doesn't!
Brooke WI
does anyone else love the show as much as i do.. i think it was one of tv's funniest sit-coms.
i enjoyed it while it was in prime time and i was too young to really understand it.. now, as an adult it is absolutely the one of the funniest shows i have ever seen.
I love the show too!
I used to watch it with my husband every night when I was pregnant drinking vanilla shakes from Mc Donalds!
I watch it everynow and then but I am hooked on Rosanne show!
Brooke WI
you know what i hate??
when you're talking to someone and instead of acknowledging you or whatever you're saying, they just stare.
Was he about to tie his shoe when he did that? Kidding!
Brooke WI
you know what i hate??
when you're talking to someone and instead of acknowledging you or whatever you're saying, they just stare.
This a funny uncomfortable moment:
I was talking to my Aunt one day and I said hey "Did you watch that Will and Grace show last night?" She then says to me oh I don't like that show I don't even watch it. I gave a blank look and said why? (Then I just realized her husband left her a few years ago saying he was gay and leaving her for a near 60 year old grandpa)
I felt so dumb and I looked at her and smiled and said oh nevermind!
Brooke WI