I remember being fidgety in the meeting one time when I was little only to have my aunt take me in the bathroom. She had me ball up my hand and with the hardest brush ever made she would hit me on my knuckles a few times and tell me I better not cry. Now that I'm older and not able to talk to her because she is still a JW, I wish I could hit her on her knuckles with a brush right about now.
Also on this note I had a stupid step-mom that once during my "badly deserved" discipline sessions I got a "rebellious spirit" in me and didn't cry like she wanted me too. Mind you I was pissed first hand because it was my STEP-mom whipping me and she had me laying across the bed with my butt all in the air. But anyway I said I wasn't gonna give her the pleasure of hearing me crying in pain. So I didn't cry. The b**tch had the nerve to say, "oh you don't wanna cry huh" and started whipping me more. Ok I'm getting beat with this damn belt and it does hurt so finally I blurt out, "why you whipping more for not crying but when I do cry you tell me to SHUT UP?"...Do you know the B**th started laughing and said you right, I guess you've had enough now go to your room. That pissed me off more so. I actually had thoughts of killing my stepmother when I was around 15-16 because she was so evil, but that was her and my dads way of raising me as a good JW so they didn't feel they were doing anything wrong. Anyway the end of the story was when my dad got home thank God I didn't get another whipping but I got a good talking to. A talk or even a "LOOK" from my mean dad was enough to make me start wailing so it was just like I got another whipping when my dad got home.
I'm not gonna go on much more but my mom(also a JW but been divorced from my dad since I was 5) once had to threaten to call the police for my dad because he wanted to whip my step-sister and I with a piece of a hose pipe he had cut. I remember that day clearly, I forgot exactly what we had did that was so bad but we heard the words "you're gonna get it when you get home" and immediately was stricken with fear, mind you this is when we're both in middle school, but we played it smart and when we got home my dad went out back to do some yardwork before disciplining us. So we put on layers of clothes so that we wouldn't feel the blows of the hose pipe. Guess what, it had to be godly intervention and he forgot all about whipping us and we were very happy.
On a sad note, my brother who was not a fan of school and got whippings almost everyday for doing poorly in school did fall victim to the hose pipe. I don't quite remember what happened but I think my mom went to the elders about this and they talked to my dad so he only whipped my brother with belts from then on. Now that I'm older I'm quite sure whipping a child with a piece of hose pipe is grounds for jailtime nowadays, probably was back then, but the loving elders did nothing about it. Oh yeah, I must add this too, my step-mom also got her share of "whippings" too from my dad. I was only witness to 1 of them but she said that this wasn't the first time it had happened. I love my dad and everything even after witnessing all of this and he's still in the bourg but "weak". I guess he wasn't DF'd because he was repentant. I KNOW my dad, if she did something again "out of line" she'd probably get some "christian,loving, JW discipline" from him.