I'm confused. I know some of it may be, but how much has been changed by men that's what causes the confusion.
JoinedPosts by Sweetp0985
Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God?
by desib77 indo you believe the bible is the inspired word of god?
have you somehow attempted to prove this to yourself or have you just accepted it?
Do you believe in God?
by XBEHERE inafter reading the wt for last week's lesson on god's creative works i couldnt help but think that there really is a god, there has to be.
i dont want to start a creation vs. evolution debate but you have to agree that its an extremely remote chance that the whole universe, the planets, stars, the sun, the earth, the animals, humans came about by accident.
i mean, what the chances really.
I believe in God but my only question to him is why does he allow all this suffering in the world. Like my brother said one day (in layman terms) Why is God allowing all the badness in the world for a bet to Satan? I thought about that and wondered the same. Like in Job's case, God allowed him to be tested almost to death to prove a point to Satan. Like now, God is allowing Satan to try to get as many people as he can to follow him so that in the Great Tribulation/Armageddon he can destroy all the ones that followed Satan. Why test us imperfect humans like that. God already knows what the outcome is gonna be so just go ahead and end it already. I say this prayer often that even if I'm not one of the chosen ones to make it into ???heaven??? or stay here on earth in ???paradise??? then for the ones that are being faithful to you whomever they may be to go ahead and bring the New System for their sakes.
Guilt over getting an old friend DF'ed
by Ciara ini've been thinking about this guy i used to know when i was a jw.
we went to school together and were in the same congregation.
he was fading, but one day me and my dad were passing a convenience store and we saw him smoking outside.
I had to do that once. A sister was secretly seeing a Df'd brother and this particular night me, my step-mom, and a step-sister were on our way home and we took a back route instead of the usual route. When we came to a stop sign we saw the sister's car in front of the df'd brother house and he was getting out. But anyway, as soon as we got home my step-mom got on the horn with an elder and soon a meeting was set up. All the way home my step-mom was saying stuff like Jehovah made us come that way. See what Jehovah can do, we never come this way and we came this way tonight because he wanted us to witness what was happening. I was kinda mad about it because there were 3 witnesses against 1 even though the sister denied it. We even had the JC meeting with everyone in the room at the same time. The person did get Df'd. I didn't really feel bad about it then and I don't feel bad about it now only because she was married and I knew her husband and she shouldn't have been cheating in the first place. But who am I to judge right? I never would do it again though. Even if I saw someone doing something I wouldn't tell the
judges oops I mean elders anyway. -
Banned From the Bible
by Sweetp0985 ini may be late in seeing this special on the history channel, but did anyone else see this show.
it was about books being banned from the bible that further explains events that may or may not have happened the way it is written in the bible.
this show peaked my curiousity and i went to the library and found the book who wrote the bible?
I started this thread and now I have some more wood to throw on the fire. I went to a link that had many quotes from JW publications, some of which now they have gotten "new light" and changed and some that they still believe. But anyway there was a quote from The Watchtower on 4/1/1920 where the WT says " That it contains some mistakes if freely admitted. Even the Bible contains some." Now exactly what the "it" is in the first sentence I don't know, but the second one is clearly saying that they admitted then that the bible contains some mistakes.
Another quote from WT 4/15/1928 says," Sometimes a member of a class will refuse to engage in the canvassing for books because there are some mistakes in the books, and says his conscience will not permit him to put books in which there are mistakes into the hands of the people. Of course this is another method that the enemy adopts to confuse the minds and furnish an excuse for not being faithful to the Lord. As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible and there has never been a book written yet that is perfect that has been written by any human hand.
So my thoughts are since God is perfect wouldn't he make sure that his words are perfect to us. Or maybe I'm just looking at it wrong. But since it's always said God never changes, why would he inspire something one year and come back and change it a couple of years later. Such as the JW's saying they get their info from God and then when they get caught in one of their "man-made" interpretations of something they say Jehovah gave them new light.
Just got back from the YMCA
by Atilla ini went to the y last night just to relax and go swimming.
the y near my house is pretty clean and after 8 p.m., not very crowded.
i find it very relaxing to go work out, play basketball, go swimming and then sit in the sauna after a long shower.
I have a membership at the Y and I am a member of the most forbidden "church". Funny how everyone else was forbidden to join a club/group because you would have to agree to their terms and conditions, but they joined the UN " just to use the library ". And they want us to believe they didn't have to agree to any terms and conditions to become a member....They are so full of it.....
I'm waiting to have this experience.....
by Frannie Banannie ina jdub (or pair of 'em) comes to my door with the mags......i ask them..."are you from earth?".
they look bewildered, saying, "yes...".
i say, "sorry, i don't trust earthling men/women.
concernedman, they had a Do Not Return slip that is given to elders for people that do not wish to be further contacted by the Witnesses. I don't know for sure if they still have this but they used to. But they was only valid for a couple of months 6-12 I think. After those 6-12 months they come back anyway to see if the same person still lives there. They need to make signs like No Trespassing but have it read No Jehovah's Witnesses. Darn, I just gave out my million dollar idea...Oh well.
Banned From the Bible
by Sweetp0985 ini may be late in seeing this special on the history channel, but did anyone else see this show.
it was about books being banned from the bible that further explains events that may or may not have happened the way it is written in the bible.
this show peaked my curiousity and i went to the library and found the book who wrote the bible?
I do remember someone once told me that the bible may not be in chronological order. I do remember that this was during the time I was in the JW group. If they were not totally sure of the time line of the events happening, how can they be sure nothing was omitted. I saw the comparisons myself in Genesis where you could give a second thought as to 2 different people giving their accounts as to what happened in the beginning and then combining them together. I think this is gonna be a good read, I'm only up to chapter 2 I think....
Those silly Kingdom Melodies
by RR inever get one of those jungles in your head and you can't get rid of it.
i was trying to put my son to sleep, there he is leaning on me and i'm humming, and realized it was a kingdom melody.
15 years and they're still in my head!
I amazed myself a couple of weeks ago when I went to an dub's (1 I knew very well) funeral. They started singing Life Without End at Last! and I knew almost every word. I just lip sang though, didn't want anybody to get the wrong idea that I enjoyed being there.There are alot of songs I remember but I chose not to hum/sing them. None of those songs pick me up or get me going like gospel music does for me now. There are days when I'm down in the dumps and certain songs(gospel) instantly come to mind and I start singing them and I get a big pick-me-up. Without fail sometimes when I get in my car and a song will come to mind that I wouldn't mind hearing at that moment and it actually comes on, do you think that's coincidence or just my imagination, running away with me....oops wrong type of song...lol
In the aftermath of our shattered faith, for those who also wonder.....
by Frannie Banannie init's been over 12 yrs since my df'ing.
yes, i forced 'em to do it for what i know now were pointless reasons....but mainly, at the time, i thought it was because the heirarchy of the wts doesn't measure up to scriptural standards....i wasn't wrong for they are very judgmental hate-mongers, manipulative and overbearing....but i've come to learn so much more..... .
after years of traumatic disillusionment, i've begun to wonder if there really is a god/goddess, etc....or is this a state of mind/belief system that mankind has created to explain the inexplicable, answer the unanswerable, to put a spiritual bandaid on the tortured in mind, body and/or spirit.....and yet, tho our bodies wear out eventually, we are wonderfully "made"....and so many things here on earth are sympatico with our human existence and temperament.....yet....at the same time, we have adverse reactions to many things, too, whether vegetable, animal, mineral or even spiritual.....is this all only a contrivance of our imaginings, the result of our teachings among ourselves?.
I'm reading that book right now. Just the first chapter alone has raised many deep thinking questions for me. I thought comparing the KJV and NWT would shed "different" light but the differences mentioned in the book are plain as day.
You're Bosnia-Herzegovina!
You've just been through a big tragedy. You weren't sure you were
going to make it at all. Now that you have, there's a lot to pick back up in your life,
and not enough people are helping you. You just wanted a little more freedom, a chance
to be away from those who thought poorly of you. Now it's time to build up some
confidence, and it looks like you have a good chance at that. But you'll need a lot of
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